View Full Version : WOW! DENTAL SUCCESS!!!

21-04-06, 01:55
Hi everyone,
Just thought I would share my amazing achievement with you.
I am agoraphobic with panic attacks and just going to the local shop is quite an ordeal for me. I have had a dental phobia for years, and have been avoiding it like the plague. Last time I had an appointment I didn't sleep for days before hand and got myself into a total state and ended up too ill to go. So I asked my Dad to book a secret appointment for me and just turn up when I was due to go......... and that day was today. When Dad turned up he just said 'todays the day' and I froze in panic. But I got myself dressed, cleaned my teeth and went. There was a delay so I spent 20 minutes pacing up and down in the car park, but eventually it was my turn. I told the dentist how terrified I was and he said he would just check my teeth today. He poked around and said everything was ok. He then wanted to clean my teeth and I asked if there was any way of doing it without the water hose thing because it makes me feel like I can't breathe but he said it was the best way. So I took a deep breath and went for it. I raised my hand twice just so he would stop for me to swallow, and it was fine. I was very anxious but I coped. He finished off with a polish using orange flavoured toothpaste! And that was it!!! I DID IT. I honestly never thought I would be able to face my worst fear but I have, which goes to show you can do anything you put your mind to. I feel like I have won the lottery, and it has given me a much needed confidence boost. And, amazingly, I didn't even take any medication, which was a huge plus!!! And my teeth feel great as well!!!
Believe me, I am a total wimp, and I really can't believe I managed to do this. If you have a phobia, please don't give up hope. It is possible to achieve anything with the right help and support........ and I can't wait to tell my counsellor!

21-04-06, 10:03
That is brilliant, what an achievement, be proud of what you have done, YOU GO GIRL !!!!!


Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

21-04-06, 10:29
Wow Showgal thats great news, you should be so proud of yourself!:D

I hate the dentist also, but i like the idea of someone making a appointment in secret then you dont have to worry about it.

Well Done

you keep smiling shoegal and show off your lovely teeth !!!

Hugs to you


21-04-06, 11:10
well done shoegal!!!i also hate dentists but had to face going last year for some treatment!!!it was well worth the upset to have loverly teeth afterwards!!!!!!well done you!!!!!!take care luv mooxXx

21-04-06, 11:34
A huge well done for coping so fab.

Great news to hear and I hope that next time you will remember this success.


24-04-06, 14:49
Hi Showgal, well done, that is brilliant :-)

You have just reminded me, I need to go to the dentist, not been for well over a year due to the fact that I have to pay as I am no longer NHS, dammit :-) Also I always get an overwhelming urge to laugh when I am in the dentist's chair! Not scared of going at all, just inconvenient :-)

But well done Showgal, I am impressed xxxxxxx

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

24-04-06, 14:57
Hi Showgal, well done, that is brilliant :-)

You have just reminded me, I need to go to the dentist, not been for well over a year due to the fact that I have to pay as I am no longer NHS, dammit :-) Also I always get an overwhelming urge to laugh when I am in the dentist's chair! Not scared of going at all, just inconvenient :-)

But well done Showgal, I am impressed xxxxxxx

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

cathy s
25-04-06, 10:14
Well done!!
That's a great achievement!

I think we should all write down our successes , the more we focus on these and less on the negative aspects of anxiety the better we'll be!

One good thing about anxiety is that we do get to feel such a remarkable sence of achievement when we accomplish something so difficult.
The fear experienced during anxiety is real and strong, to anyone who doesn't experience it, it's the same as if they had to face a ferocious hungry lion, or if they were stuck in a burning building. We forget how brave and strong we are for dealing with this feeling on a regular basis!

26-04-06, 01:44

Haven't spoken to you in a while. Great job. I also have great fear of dentists. I actually have to be gassed to have my teeth cleaned! So proud of you. Great job! Hope to see you in chat soon.


26-04-06, 11:01
hi showgal

That is a huge acheivement you must feel really on cloud nine. Give yourself a huge pat on the back - WELL DONE
You are so right, when we put our mind to it we can do it.

Good for you

........life is for living not just for surviving

30-04-06, 00:11
Fantastic - you did it!!!! So happy for you. Now if you ever feel panic again, you just have to remind yourself of this success & you will have success again.