View Full Version : So scared I have bowel cancer!

01-06-11, 12:19
The past few months my bowels have changed I have thyroid issues and I think my dose of thyroxine is no t enough and I'm currently working on trying to sort this. But the past few months I have constipation feels like I never empty.. Then loose bowels, I have pain low down, and in my left rib alot, I get nausea, no appetite, I have lost weight but I'm hoping this is caused by being so worried and stressed I've not been able to eat. I feel like I have rectal pressure and sometimes sharp pain up my bum. I feel like I need to pass wind but can't. I went to see the surgeon today at my hospital and he's sent for a urgent colonoscopy as my aunt had bowel cancer at 47, I'm worried he's felt something in my stomach and that's why this is now urgent.. I have low ferritin which I'm on iron for too. But the obvious scare me


I don't know how long I'll have to wait for this.

Lele x

01-06-11, 12:52
oh bless you try not to worry too much

01-06-11, 15:06
Thanx just want it over with.

Lele x

01-06-11, 16:13
i worry over things like that too gets me down but don't want to go on antidepressants. do you haev pain in your sides too.

01-06-11, 16:49
It's mostly left side in ribs down to lower stomach.. So scared it's cancer and spread since I had these pains months ago!

Lele x

macc noodle
01-06-11, 18:13
Sweetie I feel so for you - it must be a very worrying time BUT at least you will have the examination and they will be able to put your mind at rest and help relieve the pain.

I have had similar pains for the last 18 months and am not dead yet but was told it was anxiety induced IBS. The rectal pressure you describe is something I get when on my period or just before it starts.

The weight and anaemia are common side effects of not having the thyroxine under control too aren't they?

So, I know you will worry so I shan't say "don't worry" but will say, try and be positive about this. Why not call the consultant's secretary tomorrow and ask when you will get your appointment and if still concerned, ask to have a word with him and ask what his concerns are.



01-06-11, 18:19
Thanx Jan

I guess your right but I'm just so scared it's cancer! I'll do my best to be positive though.

Thanx Hun xx

01-06-11, 20:21

Thanks for the reply. Hopefully the appointment comes soon. It's the low ferrittin that scares me

Glad yours went well though.

Lele x

02-06-11, 14:57
I have so much pain and trapped wind I can't shift!! Why isn't it passing naturally?? It feels like I have something stuck in my left side of my stomach.

Lele x

macc noodle
02-06-11, 18:29
Low ferritin - is connected with thyroid problems and since you already have this - it would make most sense that this is where the connection lies.

No doubt if you have been googling you will have seen that low ferritin can be connected with colon cancer but you would more than likely have seen blood in your stools also - have you had a stool sample tested?

The chances of the low ferritin being an indicator of bowel cancer for you are low and more than likely the thyroid is the problem here.

The good thing is that you are being referred for a colonoscopy and this will help put your mind at rest.

You have done the right thing in seeing the doc - they will probably end up telling you that it is IBS - after all they have to follow this process to give you a real diagnosis of IBS.

With you all the way on this one hunni - can't do anything other than try to offer support and a voice of reason during this difficult time.

:hugs: and a hug or two of course


02-06-11, 19:49
It sounds like you have a lovely case of IBS. Those are exactly my symptoms as well. Taking a probiotic can help, but you should check with your doctor first.

02-06-11, 21:52
Thanx guys really appreciate the time and help. Hopefully you'll be right and everything will be ok.. Hate all this. But you've helped me alot.

Lele xx