View Full Version : Talking loud while thinking...

21-04-06, 06:56
Hi there,

I'm working and a mother of two teens. My jobs are always high stress and mostly depend on Public relations.
I always think before I speak or if I am going to have a serious or business type discussions with a client, etc...I practise the conversation in my mind. I didn't have an easy life and I had to deal with a lot of things. Still like that.
Past few months I realise that I am talking loud while I am thinking or while I am doing the conversation in my mind it comes out loud.
I think I walk in the street alone, talk to myself and I dont even want to think how I look to other people...
I am kind of freaked out here. My kids started asking me mum why are you talking with yourself? Please help me out here what's wrong with me. Should I take it very seriously? Need to see someone?


21-04-06, 07:12
It would proberly be a good idea to talk to you Dr about it but it's proberly nothing to serious unless you having other really starnge symptom's.

I have trouble with the tone of voice before going on luvox for OCD I could never understand why people were telling me I was too loud and once My thinking was under control I notice I had far more control over the the tone and how loud I talked to people but when my anxiety level go's up my abilty to contorl my tone and how loud I talk get less and less.

I would not be surprised if it's just another anxiety symtom's simular to mine. I just found have OCD and I and have had basicly all my life and it been steadily gaining more and more control over me. I'm 28y and for the first time eva feel like have an answer for all most al my strange behaviour's that use to make me feel like I might be insane. Anxiety can play lot's of tricks on you.

If yu job is a high stress job there might be a slight chance you have developed OCD you may just have Obsessive thinking issues ritulistic thinking that you do to lesson you anxiety. It might be worth looking in to OCD this talking thing might be a compulsion thing that has started to reduce stress level's.

I hope this help's

existential crisis
21-04-06, 21:42
Lil -

I wouldn't worry too much about this. I always do it - usually when I am stressed or wound up. Sometimes I think it's part habit, part needing to get things clear in your mind. I went through a period of worrying about it, thinking that it was a sign of 'madness' or some other mental illness when in actual fact it's just the way you deal with stressful situations. It might have become slightly habitual, as it has with me. I dont worry about it anymore - at least when you talk to yourself you are guaranteed intelligent conversation! [8D] And as for doing it in public, I always see people muttering to themselves as they walk down the street! I sometimes notice people doing it sitting in their cars, or I see people mouthing to the words of songs on their personal stereos on the bus....they don't care so why should we?! Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

24-04-06, 02:10
Dear Clare & Alisa,

Thank you very much for your replies. I feel better now. At least I know I'm not mad.:D May be I should use an ear phone all the time so that people will think I'm talking. I will try to control myself, at lease try to be more aware that I'm doing it. Well, we'll see.

Thanks again.
