View Full Version : Having abit of a blip today

01-06-11, 16:01
Don't feel that bad, nothing compared to before. I went out on a date last night with a guy, had to have some wine before I went, ended up having the bottle! It was a good night though, and he said he enjoyed himself and wants to go out again sometime which is great but there's the part of me that used to be closer to the surface is showing it's ugly face like can I really do this, do I actually like him, does he actually like me? Am I going to get hurt again? I even dreamt last night that he told me he didn't want anything etc
We've spoken abit today, he's one of the useless phone types who don't reply back every 2 minutes but I just feel abit down about stuff.
This is the first time I've ever been on a date, also the first time ever since taking venlafaxine I've got with a guy and I feel abit on edge about the whole thing.
I guess I'm just hoping for the best but I'm just really anxious :doh:

05-06-11, 18:55
It's great that you have managed to actually go out and have a good night (as you say)! I think when people make a step forwards (and who have anxiety related issues) a voice inside doesn't like the progress and wants to take you back a step!

Maybe try to utilize some other relaxation methods as well, alongside your medication, so that you can be in a more carefree, relaxed mindset when you go on future dates.

I'm sure your intuition will alert you if there is something suspect about any of the characters you go out on a date with.