View Full Version : Blood Results - High Total Protein

01-06-11, 16:22
I've just had a FBC and my total protein levels have come back as abnormally high! Has anyone every had this and what can it mean...I don't want to google it! :ohmy:

My Cholesterol is also slightly high as well.

the rest of my bloods work was Ok, white, red bloods cells etc

Any ideas?

01-06-11, 17:01
Having just looked at labtestsonline for you there is no mention in the full blood count of proteins, its all to do with blood cells etc. Did your Dr do a c reactive protein test at the same time???? If this is what is abnomally high then it means you have high inflammation in your body so is not a diagnosis itself but just a flag to do other tests to find out why, it can something simple like a water infection to an autoimmune problem.

Without knowing exactly the test done can't really help you.

01-06-11, 18:13
I had the blood test in work and it seems very comprehensive. It definitely included protien because mine was flagged up as being high. The normal range being 60-86 and mine was 90! I don't know if thisvis very high or just high???

The nurse gave me my results and the doctor is going to look at them tomorrow. All the other results were in limits apart from cholesterol, which was slightly high.

Of course I'm panicking now....I googled for the first time in ages :mad: and a high protein level in blood is a symptom of Multiple Myeloma as is bone pain! I've had pain in my shoulder and ribs for about 2 months now!

Just as I was starting to feel a bit better as well!......I hate all this!:weep:

01-06-11, 18:17
Hi Taffy

am wondering if this a CPR blood test . it shows up inflammation and infection .
and if you read Dr Goggle ...........he should be banned !!

muscle inflammation it sounds to me Taffy ...... tallies with all you are experiencing ........but not life threatening . if it was anything nasty you would be very ill now . fact .
so many reasons that are so not cancer :hugs:
Dont know if this is the blood test but seems likely .and there is HUGE amount of reasons why ...muscle inflammation one of the first sensible reasons I googled for you .
take care and ring doc for reassurance ....but please dont fret . so many reasons for raised result and if doc worried he would have you in like a shot . xx

01-06-11, 18:30

Taffy .............we crossed posts :blush:

anyway .....your result is not that high honestly ........I know how it seems .

this blood test is an indicator of inflammation somewhere in your body .
it needs looking at of course for why given the hell you are going through.
but it is an INDICATOR . .....so not a cancer diagnosis.
have nursed myeloma patients forum friend ..........not you Taffy :hugs:

01-06-11, 19:23
Hi there sorry you are going through so much worry .The protein test is a routine check they do for a general overall health check and when it comes back high it just means that you may have a slight inflamation in your muscle or a viral infection .But it can also mean that the result you got is normal for you .I am a phlebotomist so i do loads of these tests everyday and unless there is other symptoms the doctor will prob just check them again in 6 weeks.Please try not to worry as i know lots of people that get high readings and it usually means nothing .I hope this helps a bit.kind regards molly xx

01-06-11, 22:08
Molly and Snowgoose.....

Your experience and reassurance does make me feel better about thinks and I thank you so much for that...

It really is a kick in the teeth though...I've been feeling really upbeat the past few days and although my shoulder and chest have been hurting I've manage to shrug it off as muscle pain and tried to put it to the back of my mind. When the nurse gave me my results today I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach! And even though I tried to resist I googled high protein in blood and almost every result was multiple myeloma....even though all my other results were in limits, including blood cell count, my rational mind has gone and HA has kicked in big style. Arrrrrrggghhhhhhh!:mad:

Back to square one again.....:weep:

01-06-11, 22:15
Your other test results would not be normal if you had multiple myeloma as my friend had it and her ESR was 200 ( upper limit for her age was 16) and her certain parts of her full blood count was all wrong as well.

01-06-11, 22:43
Thanks Countrygirl....I know your right but it's hard to rationalise things at the moment.

01-06-11, 23:21
Hi Taffy

completely get why you are so worried ...it is hell .
but countrygirl is right .......all your other blood results would be out as well .
this is a cancer I saw rarely in 20 years experience Taffy.and in elderly people who had a very different presentation .
it is not that high......the doc would have contacted you by now.
please please dont fret . easy for me to say but I would not type these words to you if I THOUGHT FOR AN INSTANCE it was what you fear .
it needs looking at of course by doc ...........but there are so many reasons why it is raised a bit .........speak to doc tomorrow and dont let this anxiety devil make you think the worst .
honest mate

03-06-11, 07:19
Hi there,

Du you mean you carried out a thyroid test? Cause only duirng a thyroid function test you can have the level of protein counted.

07-06-11, 20:43
Well in the past two days two Doctors have looked at my blood results. First one said it was nothing to worry about and signed them off. The nurse ran them by another doctor today and he said to go and see my GP to get them check out!.....Panic time!

I'm so worried about Myeloma now....all my other blood work was ok apart from this raised Protein but It's gone up slightly from a previous test in February and it's the only diagnosis I can think of!...I've been foolish and googled which has made me feel worse.

Feeling very scared right now. :weep:

08-06-11, 10:47
Just got back from my Doctors. He didn't seem to concerned by my elevated Total Protein level but has booked me in for another batch of blood tests tomorrow. I think one of them is the ESR?

As a typical HA sufferer I still don't feel very reassured by my Doctors response and am still worried sick as to why my Protein is up...especially if the other test come up with something. :sad:

08-06-11, 17:22
Taffy try and write down what tests your Dr has done - still not sure what total protein you are talking about! There are so many different blood tests that could be a protein one as previously posted.

My friend had multiple myeloma and when she was diagnosed her ESR was 200 (normal is around 9-16 depending on your age and lab used) and her full blood count was all wrong as well so it does not sound to me like your remotely have myeloma but could have inflammation.

08-06-11, 22:40
Hi Countrygirl...

I had a FBC and also LFT, Cholesterol (which slightly high) it also showed Creatine, Urea and a number of other things. The total protein reading was in the biochemistry part. Everything else was ok apart from that.

I really am panicking about it especially as I have pain in my shoulder and upper chest. Worried it's MM in my bones!

10-06-11, 11:54
Had my bloods taken yesterday and now have an anxious wait until next Wednesday for the results. :unsure: