View Full Version : Pain in left side

01-06-11, 16:25
It started yesterday and kept me up all night, its a sharp pain and really hurts when I breath in. Its on my right hand side around the kidney area but not on my back. It really hurts when I bend down or stretch and it feels better when I walk around :weep:

I went to the docs this morning as it was so painful and he thinks it is a pulled muscle, he had a good feel around and I did a urine test.

Can a pulled muscle be so painful, of course my health anxiety is through the roof!

Thanks for reading

01-06-11, 21:16
thats exactly how i feel at the moment with pain on right hand side around kidney area and the side, i was told it was muscle problem when i went before to doctors, but of course can't help worry is something worse.

02-06-11, 16:06
Hi, thanks for your reply. Not sure why my title says left side when it is my right...doh! It has eased up a lot today, the tablets the doc gave me seem to be working (touch wood). Hope you are feeling better.

02-06-11, 16:41
did you get any pain anywhere else with it.

02-06-11, 17:49
Pulled muscles can be extremely painful, if the tablets are working then maybe the doc was right!! :hugs:

03-06-11, 11:21
No I only got pain, in that area. It feels better and only really hurts if I bend down or when I get up.