View Full Version : extreme panic .. pls help

01-06-11, 17:55
i have not been to a doc in years and i just got insurance... i want to go do bloodwork but i am freaking out. i have been crying and i have had panick and anxiety just thinking about it. i have a doom feeling like i know that the test are going to come back with a big problem :weep:!! i have a lot of weird stuff that happends to me. i get dizzy a lot, i get skin pain for no reason, i have cramps and feel weird all the time. im only 25 but i think their is something wrong and i am so scared. i just want to know if there is anyone who can give me some good advice??? has anyone ever felt this way???

01-06-11, 20:31
Yes me too im panicing also because im waiting for my blood test results back. I too get dizzy but its everyday for me and im constantly feeling weird. Ive had this for about 3 years now. oh yeah and im only 23.

02-06-11, 12:29

I used to get dizziness, numbness and pressure in my head, weird feelings, muscle pain and tension and skin pain for no reason at all. I think I had every single test possible and they all came back fine. It's important to remember that anxiety causes the exact same symptoms, and we are anxious all the time so it is no wonder that we feel this way all of the time.

My doctor did decide that I do suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, which is as much caused by anxiety as it is an effect of anxiety.

All I can say is that you really should go and get some tests, and try your hardest not to focus on the negatives that may come out of it. If you think about it there really isn't many negatives, because no matter what they find, it will help to make you feel better again and to get rid of these horrible symptoms.

I know it isn't easy, I have been there before, and I can remember the sheer terror I felt just thinking of going to the doctor to get tests done. But it is better to know what is going on than to always worry about what it might be.

Just remember, I'm only 20, and I've suffered from all you have and more. And no matter how bad it was, it only got better from seeing the doctors and getting my tests done. It's amazingly helpful to know whats going on. Sometimes it may only be one small thing that can be revealed from a blood test, like iron deficiency or something. It's unlikely to be something big or dangerous. Just give it a go.

Good luck!