View Full Version : Monophobia, I am pretty sure I have it. Help.

01-06-11, 19:42
Hello everyone,
I am 22 years old, and I think I have monophobia.

This is me: I love being around people, I feel the happiest when surrounded by people, I work in the film business, I love being loved and need feedback, like to get compliments.

My past: My elementary school teacher told me that I was dumb and that I wonīt get anywhere in live, she hated my mother and didnīt want me to come into her class. This experience made me work very hard in life so that I have an incredible education, appearance and work skills. (yet I never think I am enough?!) Even though I have been voted "most beautiful" I am not confident with myself- I am able to see that I am pretty but somehow inside I am still insecure. I feel as I have to make sure that other people know that I am doing well. I really care about what other people think. (I donīt show it at all, I am popular and most people probably donīt even know what is going in inside me- I am tired of hiding it though and just want to be happy!). I want to be loved.
I have been raised by a single mom, she had cancer when I was 9 years old and during that time I was left alone a lot. She almost died, was in the hospital for more than a year. My mom and I have a great relationship, we are like best friends.

Now: I donīt like being alone, I never thought that it could be a phobia?! I just thought I was a peoples person.. My boyfriend just told me a couple of days ago that he is thinking that I could have that phobia. I think he is right. When I am alone at home, I donīt feel like doing anything..people ask me why I donīt go shopping, to the movies or for a walk- it simply is no fun doing that stuff alone. I thought that was normal? I walk my dog but would just never do stuff by myself. If I know I am at home a certain day (no work, no school) and I know my boyfriend wonīt be there, I start to feel really bad, I know I will waste my day- because a day alone is no day at all. I get scared, not scared as in-omg something is going to happen but it is such a unnice feeling, I hate it! I donīt have a problem coming home from work, knowing that noone will be there for a few hours, as long as someone is coming home. Right now my boyfriend is still living in the United States and I am back in Europe (we are living here now) and I am alone in our new place, I donīt have a panic attack or anythign but I want him on Skype so that I am not alone. I cannot stand thinking about being alone, it hurts inside. I also remember when I was very young (about 5 years old) and my mom went to Seminars, I would not like it at all, I would chase her to the elevator holding her tight. Noone really thought that this was an issue, we just have a really good relationship. I remember when my mom went to a seminar when I was 10, I was supposed to go horse back riding over the weekend to my friends house. I was sup. to meet her at my place and then we would meet up her parents to drive there. When she came to pick me up, I would not want to go with her (Maybe because I really liked home??) I ended up being alone over the entire weekend and that feeling was horrible. I also remember my mom going to another seminar when I was 12, I thought I was being fine being all alone by myself but I remember the darker it got, I just started to freak out and started crying- I called many, many people until one family came to pick me up. I really didnīt feel comfortable at their place but I just didnīt want to be alone. The reason I am mentioning all those stories is, that since my boyfriend started talking about monophobia and after I read the symptomes, those stories all popped back up in my mind and everything is starting to make so much sense. I would say it is probably a very slight case of monophobia but I want to cure it, I am sorry that I wrote so much, please, please HELP, thank you so much =)

04-06-11, 01:05
Hello Nanna1988

The best way I find to deal with most of these kinds of phobias is gradual exposure therapy. If you really want to tackle it you need to try and slowly get used to being on your own and find strategies to manage it. I have had spells where I have felt like this and the thing that I find that helps is to have something like an absorbing interest or hobby that takes up my concentration. Make plans to keep yourself busy with things that you like when you are on your own and try and see some of the positives of being alone - you choosing what to watch on TV, what meals to eat, having the bathroom to yourself etc. If there is something you can treat yourself to in the shops, you might find that is motivating enough to help you wander around the town on your own as well.

Good luck with this one Nanna
