View Full Version : Its back again

21-04-06, 10:15
I was feeling a bit light headed on and off for about 4 months. Not really dizzy but kind of vaguely drunk, just a bit off. I have had blood tests (which came back normal) and also a head and neck scan which were also normal. My doctor did not suspect anything sinister but sent me for a second opinion just to put my mind at rest. After the scan results I started feeling better and the stangeness went away - but now its back.

I just wanted to know if anybody else feels like this. Is it really just anxiety? I know I shouldn't be worried having had the tests and all but I feel weird and can't stop thinking about it which is probably making things worse. I wear glasses for distance (driving, tv etc) but wearing them makes things worse. I did mention this to the docs and I have also had my eyes tested which were ok. I am not on any meds. Just started taking omega 3 fish oils, vit B and homeopathic aconite.

What do you think?

21-04-06, 12:42
Hiya, i too suffer bad lightheadedness, this has been my worst symptoms since suffering anxiety my doc always tells me its my breathing and he wont even send me for ct and mri because he wont put me thru that test cause for nothing cause im chlostrophobic.

trust its anxiety and it will pass some days i tend not to notice it as much as im on medication now.

i feel spaced out and like im not really there with my lightheadednes very hard to explain

21-04-06, 19:33
I found this to be one of my worst sympton and it was definitely worse when I went into busy supermarkets with my kids. Breathing 7/11 really helped for me, but I think knowing what it is and trying to ignore it helps just as much. Try to accept it's just anxiety and ignore it. It really does get better.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

21-04-06, 20:37
I think feeling light headed and dizzy is the worst symptom I have, I have been suffering for years but do find if I practice abdominal breathing it helps. I also find if I'm tired it gets worse too.

21-04-06, 21:44
its back again for me too. after a year away its back and freaking me out too

you are not alone and it really can be caused by anxiety
