View Full Version : Sick of feeling sick!

01-06-11, 23:00
Hey everyone, New here, but I've read many posts and found them really helpful, so thanks for that.
To the point. I have terrible Health Anxiety. I'm constantly worried that I'm ill or that I'm going to vomit. Infact, that's how my panic attacks start. I suddenly feel like I'm going to vomit and it scares the hell out of me, triggering a full blown panic attack. It always happens when I'm in a crowded public place and it is really distressing. I also suffer from GAD which really doesn't help. I'm completely unmedicated as, due to health anxiety, I am too scared to take any medication incase they make me sick! silly, I know. My Dr (whose patience is admirable) has now given me some 5mg Diazepam for emergencies. He has assured and re-assured me that they will calm me down if I have an attack, but I can't bring myself to take them! I am wondering will they help? Or will they make me feel ill?

01-06-11, 23:09
Hi welcome to NMP....I know how you feel, this health anxiety is like a roller coaster and I really want to get off!

This is a fantastic site and you will find great support here.

02-06-11, 00:31

I'm agraphobic and suffer from panic disorder and GAD and depression. I've just started psychology (NHS). It's not exactly CBT but she uses some CBT approaches along with other things. She was particularly interested when I told her I also suffered from emetophobia. I'm wondering if she thinks this could maybe be an underlying cause of my agraphobia?

I'll keep you posted.

Good Luck.