View Full Version : HIV scare please help!

01-06-11, 23:27
Hi, I am totally freaking out about hiv at the moment. A few days ago i had sex with a friend. We have been friends for 17 years and as far as i'm aware he has no STI's. He told me he was clean. I have been tested for HIV in the past and am clean. We were both drunk and had sex, he was inside me for only a few minutes and did not ejaculate. I have slept with him in the past and have tested negative for hiv since. However, with my health anxiety at its peak I am now feeling very scared and foolish. I am normally so careful :weep:. What do you think my risks of contracting hiv are? We are both heterosexuals, white, young and have hung around in the same crowd since school. Surely I would know if he was hiv positive right? Thanks!!

01-06-11, 23:33
If he did not ejaculate I would say virtually nil. I wouldnt worry X

eight days a week
01-06-11, 23:56
I'd say you're hopefully almost certainly ok, but do get checked out when you can, and as you say don't be so very terribly foolish in future. Sorry to sound harsh, I don't know what else to say. I'm pretty sure you'll be ok from the history you posted, but it's not worth the risk...try to keep in your mind at all times 'however drunk I am NO guy is going to enter me without a condom'.

And sorry Betty, you know nothing about sexual health, it's pretty irrelevant if he came or not.

02-06-11, 00:14
I know ive been a total idiot, ill get checked asap. Its so strange how much alcohol changes the way we think. In everyday life I am like a crazy neurotic anxiety ridden safety conscious freak, but after a few drinks.....jekyll and hyde. Thanks for the replies, ive asked him (again) if he is clean and he sais yes, aside from draggin him along to the doctors myself theres not really much more I can do. Thanks guys xx

eight days a week
02-06-11, 00:32
I know ive been a total idiot, ill get checked asap. Its so strange how much alcohol changes the way we think. In everyday life I am like a crazy neurotic anxiety ridden safety conscious freak, but after a few drinks.....jekyll and hyde.

It is my friend, it beggars belief doesn't it? I've done some REALLY stupid stuff after drinking, and I've come to the conclusion (no idea if it's right or wrong, but it makes sense to me) that the reason I'm carefree when drunk is because I'm SO careful when I'm not. Jekyll and Hyde could have been written about me when drinking and sober!!

It sounds like you are really careful, and have checked things out thoroughly while sober, so hopefully all will be fine - you have a great chance :)

02-06-11, 09:39
From what you've said about yourself and him I agree with the above posts that it is highly unlikely you're going to have caught anything because other than unprotected sex it doesn't sound like there are too many risk factors there. However it can be such an awful worry so you will probably need to get checked out to put your mind at rest more than anything else.

I agree about drink - it makes us do such terrible things yet we keep coming back for more!

04-06-11, 00:55
Eight days a week - for the very reason the poster is asking I would rather reassure and if you read it properly you would see I wrote - virtually nil. As in probably not.
I think lessons have been learned and I didnt like to preach.