View Full Version : Can't Stand These Head Waves! Please Help!

02-06-11, 05:18
So here i am again, 5am been up terrified since 3.30 when i was brought out of sleep yet again by a hum dinger of a vile weird head shock/wave/pain, don't really know how to describe other than it feels SO sinister, that i am then struck with fear, wide awake wired and waiting for the next one. (of which there has been a few smaller ones since) so now sitting at PC sh*t scared as family sleep piecefully upstairs. I am just praying that somebody reading this goes "oh i get those, no big deal, she's not about to drop dead, i'll let her know". I'm so upsetbecause i have felt pretty good of late, and had almost forgotten about this terrible anxiety. I am due to see a neurologist in 2 weeks time, want my old life back please.If i could just describe the sensation to see if ther's anyone out there that recognises....It is an overwhelming momentary pain/shock/wave usually in same place, (top right of head) immediatly followed by momentary tcp type smell, and then my ears feel like they are bleeding and i get a rush of pins and needls, and an urge to empty bowels, does this sound familiar to anyone?? i could sure do with some reassurance. Thank you, x:weep:

02-06-11, 07:00
Hmmmmm. It may be something alot of us get but can't put it into words to match your description....I quite often get a head rush feeling which is followed by a pulsing.
The ear bleeding feeling could be the rush I'm describing which would signify the start of a panic attack which definately explains your pins and needles and urge to go to the loo...I think the only symptom you're actually dealing with is the head thing you are having trouble describing....anxiety can do some pretty incredibly concerning things to our bodies. Try drinking a double strength chamomile tea before bed and place some drops of lavender on your temples, pillow and blanket...this should help to relax you before sleeping and hopefully deter your symptoms.
