View Full Version : Woken up this morning feeling very anxious

02-06-11, 08:34
Does anyone have any tips for dealing with: waking up in the morning with a huge ammount of anxiety and thoughts racing through your mind??

I had positive plans for today now I feel like I don't want to leave the house


02-06-11, 09:05
morning nicola, & welcome too my world on a daily basis!

it's horrid! everyday i wake up with anxiety and have anxiety/panic symptoms all day too (tight chest, dizziness, knotted stomach, unable to concentrate, heart palpitaions etc etc etc)

and you know the best thing you can do?... DO SOMETHING! take a walk, go for a swim, go for a jog?... the plans you have today, do them! it will distract your mind, maybe not for long but it will!

i do hope your days becomes lighter, and remember this "you are not alone in this"...


:) X

macc noodle
02-06-11, 09:11
Yep - Sunshine is right - keep on going - don't stop - distraction is the key.

Sure, we all have off days when it keeps swamping us as we struggle on to ignore the feeling but at the end of one of those days, I always feel quite pleased if I have managed to keep going in the face of adversity (1-0 to me against anxiety)!

Keep on going ....................................... :D


03-06-11, 01:28
Happens to me every morning. I usually just try and ignore it and carry on with my plans regardless and usually feel better as the day goes on. If I'm feeling really bad (I suffer from agraphobia) and I can't leave the house then I make sure I do at least one positive thing. e.g. clean the bathroom, then when I can go to bed at night knowing I've at least achieved something and it WAS worth getting out of bed that morning.

As others have said, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Best Wishes.

03-06-11, 08:02
im the exact same every single morning on waking!!,tense,mind racing thoughts that dont make sense,shakes,palps missed beats, feeling head dizzy,feeling faint,im so drained by it,wishing i could go back to bed and sleep it all off,no chance of that!, but disraction in any way, is help in every way,i try to work through mine by doing things around the house and as the day wears on it dose get less, the morning anxiety is no stranger to many, its a rotten start to the day i know, but we can and do get through the day,knowing your not the only one and vetting your woes is a comfort i find, and another is knowing were all here to help each other.xx.

03-06-11, 11:45
Thanks for all your replies, it's so nice to hear that i'm not the only one!

Got through it in the end and did all my day plans :) Definately helps to distract myself!


jaded jean
03-06-11, 18:29
I am going through this a s well. Stupid stupid thoughts going thru my head from the time I wake up. They dissipate for a while then start to return around mid afternoon.
I have had a big change round at work and crikey has my world been turned upside down or what?? I was off for 8 months thru breakdown and when I returned I was part time now I have upped th hours -28hours a week now and the change of area and the amount I have to do is just pole axing me,
I fall asleep for ten minutes when I get home but it is an intensely deep sleep. I hate it , when I wake up I have the chatterbox start and my mind races around what I have done during the day to what I did when I was little [work that one out??)
But the key thing is I think is that I still go to work.and yes I just get thru but I DO IT/ so never fail yourself on anything every little baby step forward is progress:hugs: Jean

04-06-11, 22:49
Have you tried mindfulness? It can help with anxiety.

Are you on any medication? It helped with my symptoms.

05-06-11, 14:41
I disagree

Distraction will only help short term. What you need to do is sit with the anxiety watching it. As Alicat says you need to be mindful of it. You need to bring the feelings on and sit a feel what they do to your body and how they make you feel. When you realise that this is just a feeling and it has no lasting effect you will smile at the fact that your body does this. When I wake and become really concious of my surroundings I feel the anxiety build. I feel the tenseness the band around my head etc...I start to feel a panic building, I wonder why I am feeling like this and I feel the urge to take my mind off this feeling. Should I say that was then. Now every morning I sit with it. I relax myself and try to concentrate on my breathing, I then when I am feeling more relaxed start to tune in to the feelings the tenseness. I examine every part of where the feeling started and where it is going. What type of feeling is it? What was I thinking of when it come on. Then I just lay there with the feeling and gradually over the last few weeks it has disappeared. I can now enjoy a sleep in. It has actually let go of its grasp of me.

When music plays in your head you don't try to drown it out with other music?

Listen to the feelings and internal mind chatter. Experience the moment.

I will say I still get feelings in my chest etc.. during the day and they scare me silly causing the anxiety feelings to flood back but then if I have the time is sit and try to listen to what is going on. IT works.
