View Full Version : panic

21-04-06, 11:09
hi have been having panic attacks with palpitaions on and of allday somedays dont have any i still cant belive they are not somethins serious dr just given me antenalol and zispin had the same combanation last sep only took for 2 and stopped i had real bad time coming of seroxat can anyone help weve just adopted and this should be really happy time but cant even get round the shops with her please help[:O]

21-04-06, 11:23
Arrrh Lolly..im so sorry that you are having such a bad time of it... i know how it feels when it comes to anxiety and that is defintley what you have love, you have been to the doctor and been checked out and he has put you on antenol to calm you down a bit, from what ive been told they are surposed to be pretty affective and have a slow release over 24 hours, dont know when you started taking these,- everyone is different-but within 2 days they should calm you a little..if your not happy go back to the doctors.
When ever people come of anti-d its not easy, are you with drawing them little by little , because my advice would be to wean your self of them mg by mg.. just stoping them isnt a good idea....whats the situation with that.

Diazipan are pretty affective on a short- term basis to help you through those anxious days- they just chill you out, have you thought about this.. listening to my advice is good, but always chat with your doctor, if he isnt helping change him straight.

Darling it isnt anything serious really, i am telling you now..i promise you whole heartly.

I do hope you feel better.. and enjoy the joys of being parents.. thats great ..

ashley x

21-04-06, 11:47
sorry you are finding it tough, i am on zispin and found that it really helped me but everyone is different, try and keep going for the moment and im sure it will get better, just lock up your cookie jar:D

I just want my life back

21-04-06, 12:15
hi lolly i am so sorry you haven a bad time at the mowment, try and get some essenal lavaner oil and put ten drops in a deep bath hot bath to calm and relax your self (best have one at night as it makes me sleepy). it works for me.

amanda xx

dont worry about today, for today was the tomorrow you worried about yeaterday

21-04-06, 13:03
have you ever tried rescue remedy? ( I should use mine more myself...[:I])

21-04-06, 22:36
Hi there, I can't imagine how much your life has changed since adopting! I find that the only way to cope when there are "big changes" in my life is to rely on routine. It's not strict or unchangeable but it's there and it helps me get through the day. Lists, I love to have lists too - they help me get my thoughts in order and allows me to work through them -

I hope you manage to find a way to enjoy this time.

