View Full Version : HOPE THIS HELPS SOMEONE (blurred vision)

02-06-11, 10:20
hi all, hope your all doing well... i felt i had to post this as when i was going through it i searched high and lo on this site to find anyone going through the same as me and found nothing....
ive been on citalopram for about 2 years in total... first time round it was a year, slowly came off them but had to return as i had a stressful time in my life... anyway been back on them 3 times now, no problems the first couple of times but this time ive had the worst nights EVER! i kept waking up in the early hours of the morning not being able to see, everthing was blurred almost to the point of double vision... it was nothing to do with yukky eyes i knew it was my actual sight.. only lasted 5-10 seconds but has got to be the scariest thing ive ever had.. thought all sorts, tumor, ms, bp, and it always sent me into a full panic attack... night sweats were awful and then coz of bad nights i felt crap all day too.... anyway, ive now cut them down to 10mg (i was on 20-30mg) im soooo much better! im gonna stay on 10mg for the long term as i feel it keeps me ticking over without the awful side effects... my eyes permenantly felt weird too... NEVER again will i use a high dose.. ill change them completly if needs be... just want to say that they dont always work even if they have before.... good luck everyone.. xxx:yesyes: