View Full Version : Agitated, trembling and shaking

02-06-11, 13:56
Hi everyone :) I just wondered if any of you suffer from any off these symptoms and could it be I am suffering from general anxiety (if that is the correct term?).

I take a very low dose (10mg) of Amitriptyline for face pain, neuralgia. Recently ive started waking up in the morning and after about an hour start feeling really very agitated, shaky and trembling. I couldnt stop and it makes me feel awful, it felt as though my whole body was trembling. I also noticed I have IBS type symptoms and within the hour ive been to the toilet 3 times. It also feels like my stomach is churning, and have sore glands although they are not swollen. I feel hot and cold almost like flu, with tingling and numb sensation across my forehead and kinda feel out of it, if that makes sense.

I have had these symptoms before, (last year) I was off my work for several months and the doctors couldnt find anythin wrong with me after lots of tests and bloods test etc eventually they put is down to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

I was supposed to go to work yest and today but really dont feel up to it and the more I think about going to work the more anxious I feel.

I have taken 2 Kalms to calm down my nerves but I wondered could it be the Amitrip? I have been taking it for several months, I am only on a very low dose which is next to nothing in the scheme of things. Right now I just feel all over the place!!!

When these symptoms do subside I just feel like crying

I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced any of these symptoms or who could shed some light as to why periodically they happen.

Col x

02-06-11, 14:34
Hi Colly!

I suffer from gad though not these symptoms.

I would like to help though.

When you feel these symptoms, it may help to look around to see what is happening in your environment that may trigger these.

You may identify something which does-and if you can, it will help you reduce these feelings.

Hope this helps

02-06-11, 14:43
hiya thanks for your reply, I never contemplated that something in the environment could be a trigger its def food for thought. The only difference that I can see is it is much sunnier of late!! Not sure if this is a trigger but it doesnt help my light sensitivity...


02-06-11, 15:35
It may be the ami. I had them (again 10mg, one or 2 a night) for sleeping /anxiety a while back and they did the following to me so I stopped:

intense shaking, brain fog, anxiety, kept awake with racing thoguhts, felt my brain was trapped inside my body and bouncing around in there, body and mind separation (depersonalization and derealisation), numbness (it felt like my body was made of sponge!, although if you take it for pain I guess this effect would be desirable??), body temp changes, feeling thirsty all the time, needing the loo all the time, no appetite, intense body fatigue. Oh and incredibly sensitive to light and sound and touch!

I only had them less than a week, and these symptoms seemed to build up and up, and at first I just thought I was loosing it more than normal with anxiety! It's worth noting that I was given them when I really wasn't very well already and most of these things I was experiencing anyway. It just seemed to make everything 10 times worse though. Maybe when you're anxious already the ami's can heighten it??

I'd go see you doc, and maybe ask about other pain meds. Hope you're feeling better today -


02-06-11, 19:45
Hi, Thanks for your input I think I will give the doc a call 2morro just incase it is the Amitrip, although I have been on it for several months and only a low dose so you wouldnt expect it to have this effect, it could be that I need to alter the dose!? Its awful when you are taking meds to help with one thing and they create another problem you feel like your going round in circles!

