View Full Version : toothache scared to take amoxicillin

02-06-11, 14:31
Hi I have really bad toothache to point where I wanna cry but I have a fear of taking medicine. I have been prescribed amoxicillin but am really scared to take it. Please help

02-06-11, 14:46
Hi Diddler. You really need to take those anti-biotics, or your tooth may get a whole load worse. I know it's scary, but take one in the day so you feel nice and safe and don't panic about it before bedtime. Get everything you need to make you feel comfortable incase you panick after taking it, line up a good film, get some a nice cool drink or hot tea (whichever hurts your tooth less!), or get ready to have a long chat with a friend or look at a favourite book.

You can do this and you need to, there's always the chatroom to log into if you start to panick.

Good luck x

02-06-11, 14:53
Hi allergyphobia. Thanku for reply and feel stupid cus I know it wud make me feel better. Think I'm gonna try doing it in morn cus been thinking bout it way too much today. And that's good advice thanku again

02-06-11, 15:05
Hi diddler, good idea. In the mean time, plenty of rinsing with warm water and salt will stop it getting more swollen and painful, i always find it works wonders. Try and find the courage to do it first thing when you wake up - put it right next to you on your bedside table so you can't ignore it!

Don't ever feel stupid, anxiety is the stupid one, not you! I have suffered with a big allergy phobia for over a year and I managed to take antibiotics, so I reckon you can too!


02-06-11, 15:14
Ah thanks you've made me wanna cry. Just want pain to go but dear gets so strong. Glad you took yours it shows we can do it. Think I'm gonna get up early and go out and take em while I'm out for a distraction. Fear is a horrible thing but the thing is the pain is making me panic as well

02-06-11, 15:17
Fear is an absolute nasty little ..... Just try and turn your thoughts around. The pain is horrible, and those little pills can make that pain go away, so infact they're not scary at all, it's the pain that's scary. You just do what you feel is best for you, good luck for tomorrow i'll be thinking of you, please do try the salt and warm water it really will help!

02-06-11, 15:51
I've tried the salt water and it did help thanks. I will defo let you know how I go and thanku for being so supportive xx

05-06-11, 09:15
Hiya just to let you know had to go emergency dentist yesterday on my birthday :( because started bleeding from the tooth and the whole of my gum swelled over it and the pain was horrid. Took my anti biotics last night and this morn seem to be panicking more this morn xx

05-06-11, 12:35
Hey ive just got back from the denist (i have an absess) i have just been subcribed some amoxicillin, i just took it straight away and nothing has happend, so dont worry. :)

05-06-11, 12:43
Diddler, if you've taken one and you're fine the rest will be fine too.
I used to worry when i had them too but i have a heart murmur and used to have to take a weeks dose in one whole go and that freaked me right out! i was fine though.
How are you now? :)

05-06-11, 15:34
Hiya willz had to take em the pain wernt nice. And hope it gets rid of your pain cus tooth pain is awful. Hi pacer. I wunt have liked to just take one that wud have freaked me out. Feel sick at min but don't know if that anti biotic or mi nerves. Wat helped was Googled it how long their in your system for and it said between 2 to 4 hours that's why you gotta keep taking em to get rid of infection. Just don't like things in my system xx

05-06-11, 15:37
well done for taking them. it's better to just do it and get it over with. You'll be absolutely fine, they will only get rid of the infection for you. If you have an infection and don't get rid of it it'll make you feel terrible and very anxious. You don't want to be in pain. be strong x x

05-06-11, 16:44
I know that's what made me take em it had been a week. Then I read the infection can spread so thought better to have them than infection xx

05-06-11, 22:58
Hi Diddler,
I have a major fear of medication but for some very strange reason i trust amoxycillin!!
I think its because they prescribe it for children and that makes my brain "ok" it.
I hope you feel better soon!

06-06-11, 13:47
Hiya linda I know I hate having fear of med. And thanku xx

06-06-11, 13:55
So pleased you took the meds diddler, well done, hope they are kicking in now and the pain is much less! x

06-06-11, 14:59
Hiya allergyphobia. Still in pain at min not as much and thanks thanks it's so hard sometimes over coming stuff. Was pacing for half an hour before taking em. Hope your ok xx