View Full Version : trying to keep busy... anti-anxiety tips?

02-06-11, 18:23
hey guys!

since my anxiety has reached a whole new low these past few weeks, i decided i needed to make a few changes. things that may help me deal with my anxiety better.

i hope you guy's can add your anti-anxiety tips too, any advice would be great...

the first thing, which was completely out the blue for me was taking up swimming (i haven't swam so much since i was in secondary school) i find that when you swim, it takes your mind away from your anxiety's, if only for a short while. it tires you out too... so when dreaded bed-time comes along when my brain does its most "hypochondriac'ic thinking" my body is usually too tired and just wants too sleep (although my mother say's i'm doing too much, but i feel like i need to keep busy!)

i have also started to eat more healthy (but subconsciously i think this has more to-do with my health-anxiety?) lot's more fruit and veg, and i'v just started drinking herbal tea and cut out coffee completely (if its going to help i dont care how much i love it, its gone)

and as of today i have started taking vitamin-b-complex and fish oil suppliments, as i have read some good things about them and how they are good for the brain and nervous system...

basicaly im an all-round working progress, and as you can tell i'm desprate for a anxiety/panic-attack cure!... i know mad ey? :ohmy:

please post your remedies/advice/tips/tricks... all will be greatly appreciated...

many thanks


03-06-11, 19:56
what your doing sounds good especially exercise, its always a good way to get your mind on something else for a while aswell as making you feel good afterwards.

The thing i find helps the most though is relaxation/meditation exercises, just taking yourself off somewhere quiet for half an hour to an hour a day and doing them makes a huge difference i have found, they have really helped me with quietening the mind. Its a good way of giving you a complete sense of calm aswell especially at the end of a day. good luck.x

03-06-11, 21:18
thanks for the advice :)

i'v been so ill with my anxiety these past few weeks i'v tried everything to reduce it. i find that exercise is good, especially swimming for distracting my mind for a short while. but i find nothing lasts long and my anxiety is always with me no matter what i do.

i'v always found it hard to relax, and would love to try meditation! it does'nt help that my mind never wants to stop the irrational thoughts! perhaps then i could take a few minutes to relax! lol... will defo take your advice and try the 1hr a day meditation thing... (if i can?)

thanks again... x

paula lynne
03-06-11, 22:55
Will send you a PM, hopefully a few things on there will help. :)

04-06-11, 10:46
thanks paula :) ... x

10-07-11, 18:23
i have been suffering for six years now ,i have just started getting help s i didn't understand what was happening.i am now with the crises team who are really good,they gave me the lots of paper work to read with lots of tips to help.this is how i got to join this forum which i think is great now people can listen and help other people as much as we can.i also done some relaxation today which helped,they say it's like learning to ride a bike the more you practise the easier it gets'twice aday they recommend relaxation twice a day.anything is worth a try.we will all beat this sum how x

12-07-11, 13:19
hiya im new 7 yr ago i had break down suffered panic attacks ocd agrophobia i tryed evrything meds goin to get better then ii decided to get my self better i can stop my panic attacks but have severe anxiety and my agrophobia came back now i just force myself to go for awalk evryday but since havin my last child 3 mnth ago ive got a phobia of chokin on food so im only eatin soft foods which isnt good i just wish i could get better and be a proper mum to my children b4 my break down i was happy full of life lately feels like i got no life just want to feel normal the way to stop panic attacks is to tell it to come on if its gunna count to 20 slowly and if its not come on by then carry on with wat u r doin cos its not goin to the truth is its us that bring em on by been scared of em took me along time to realise this but it works good luck to evryone sufferin same as me cos one day we will all beat it x