View Full Version : Extreme headaches behind eyes.

02-06-11, 18:44
I have experienced extreme headaches behind my eyes for a while now, and its really starting to worry me alot. It's normally behind my left eye and can sometimes get unbearable.

I went to the doctors and they checked behind my eyes, and they said it was cyrstal clear, does this mean im ok?

Im scared i could have a bleed to the brain or a tumor or something, please help me this is a on-going worry i have that prevents me from doing alot.

Today ive also been experiencing pounding in my head and dizzyness, with ALOT of head pulsating pressure. Expecially when i stand up. Thanks

02-06-11, 18:53
Could be migraine or tension headaches. I suffer these and both can be very painful/frightening x

02-06-11, 22:55
have u had ur eyes tested at all cos i get them due to eye strain on top of normal headaches

03-06-11, 00:41
I had this two a couple times for different reasons.

1- eye strain, I was spending too much time on my computer and not taking breaks...if your on the computer alot take a break every hour and make sure to spend time focusing on things far away to help...also Aleve helps really well. I sometimes also turn down the brightness on my monitor which helps. I also got some glasses that reduce the glare on my computer which help a ton...

2 - I am now having the same issue b/c I am on citolopram (sp) - I'm on week 3 so I was told its completely normal as I ramp up

So, if any of the two above situations match you then completely normal...just annoying! :yesyes:

03-06-11, 12:39
Hi. I get the pulsing/pressure thing when standing up too. It's worse some days than others. I can feel it happening even when laying down sometimes too! I have decided to not acknowledge it anymore which can sometimes be a hard thing to do. It's got something to do with your blood pressure dropping when getting up but doesn't explain why it happens when laying down! Your headaches could be your bodies way of dealing with tension. If paracetamol eases the pain then I assume it's just a headache. Some people are very prone to these types of symptoms and you're obviously one of those people. If it was serious, don't you think something would've happened by now????? Try some meditating and gentle stretching floor exercises or spending time with any pets you may have. Don't fight it, instead nurture your body and accept that it may take some time to recover from stress.


03-06-11, 17:54
I had a headache behind my left eye that lasted 10 days once, and then about 1.5 years later I had one in the same place that lasted 7 days. It was mostly a dull ache, sometimes quite painful, but was always there for the whole period.

At the time I wasn't too anxious about my health, so it didn't worry me greatly, though I was a little concerned. I saw my GP after my 10 day headache (and as suspected, the morning I saw her was the morning I woke up without the headache after having it for 10 days solid). I mentioned it to her and she didn't seem too worried. She said it could be a cluster headache (though was mainly puzzled, as was I), but otherwise not to be overly concerned.

I used to have migraines as a teenager, for about 2 or 3 years on & off, so perhaps they were related to that. But I think I had the 7 day headache about 3 years ago, and nothing since then (apart from the odd headache that everyone gets, I suppose).

I hope my story helped somehow, if only to let you know that I had persistent headaches that I also ran past my GP who didn't seem worried. Also that they usually go as quickly as they come, even if they've been lingering for some time.

I really hope you start to feel better soon. I know how it feels to have pains that seem to take over your life—even if the pain is bearable, the worry about why you have the pain can be unbearable.