View Full Version : Hi from Glasgow 41yr m

02-06-11, 20:44
I'm so glad I found this site; my Doctor suggested switching from Fluanxol (which partially worked against my anxiety but made me sleepy) to Citalopram, and Citalopram googling was how I found the site. I ended up with more anxiety about citalopram so I didn't start it and off to the Docs tomorrow to figure out another plan. Ironically posting to a forum about anxiety makes me anxious too :(

02-06-11, 20:45
Hi MrPenguin

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-06-11, 00:19
Hi and :welcome:to NMP ..I have taken both drugs and they really helped me .Especially the Citalopram .Once they get into your system the effects make a huge difference .Read through the Medication Forum and feel free to ask for support ,if you decide to take them .Not everyone gets bad side effects, and its not for long if you do .T/c .Sue

03-06-11, 14:26
hello mr penguin :welcome:

suzy-sue is right the citalopram does make a difference but just takes a little time to start working unfortunately, its helped me out a lot.

anyway your in the right place to find lots of advice and like minded people :)

Kayleigh x

Vanilla Sky
03-06-11, 19:55
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x