View Full Version : weigt loss

21-04-06, 12:54
Has anyone else lost weight due PA's, 1 was 12 stone 6 lbs before x-mas and i am now 10 stone 11lbs (i'm not complaining trust me!!!) it has worried me a bit because i'm trying to lose weigt.


21-04-06, 13:38
Yes I have lost 21lbs over this last year. I think it is par for the course sometimes. I am not complaining either !!!

Jenny xxx

21-04-06, 13:45
Yep me too.

I lost nearly a stone in a month went down to 8st 6lb.
I am 5 foot 7 so it was a bit too much weight to loose

Typical i am getting married in July and it is all piling back on....damn it..lol

Hay x

Two heads
21-04-06, 15:49
I have lost 6ib since december,and i caut afford to loose any more.Im7 stone 7 and 5ft 3.I hate myself at the moment.I thiught i was to thin befor and now im just bones.xx