View Full Version : odd feelings in head

02-06-11, 22:09
had odd feeling in head today was in a shop talking to the owner when i felt like something moved or flashed through my head was like a millisecond there was no pain and it made me want to move or get out of the shop after that i had a sort of muzzy head so took paracetemol

03-06-11, 09:59
I've had many odd sensations in my head over the years, the most annoying being a feeling of something like cold water running all over the top of my head. This happened many years ago and lasted for months; I was sure it was something dire, but it was only tension and went away. I still get it occasionally when tense, but it doesn't worry me now.

The reason I'm telling you about that is because tension and anxiety can cause all sorts of symptoms in your head, indeed anywhere in your body, often because of the way anxiety affects your muscles. I wouldn't worry about the feeling you had in your head, unless it comes back again or if you have other symptoms as well, in which case you should see your doctor for a check and probably reassurance.

06-06-11, 21:42
strange head feelings here aswell sometimes, like a pressure on top of my head like someone is pushing down with the palm of there hand but the really weird thing about it, is it seems to send a horrible feeling to the base of my wind pipe. thats the only way to describe it. also have the numbness and creeping like feelings on my scalp and sides of my head im sure its tension/anxiety related.

06-06-11, 23:34
I have had that feeling many times over the years.

my anxiety always gives me weird head sensations.

mandie x

07-06-11, 15:01
I feel weird in shops, sort of like a dizzy feeling/off balance. I dislike it.