View Full Version : Worried about dvt on flight to Spain.

02-06-11, 22:19
On saturday I am going to Spain but I'm freaking out about deep vein thrombosis! The flight is only 2 hours long but I am really worried. I feel I am risk because I need to lose weight (I am 14 stone and my ideal weight should be about 10 stone!) I am planning on going on a diet when I come back from holiday but right now I am terrified of going in case I get a dvt!

02-06-11, 22:52
hi cassy if ur worried investin some flight socks i got cheap ones and i do regular trips to egypt plus the flights i do are transit so im on and off a few planes lots of hrs traveling also im classed as high risk due to clots i just get up to toilet lots they say its long flights that u need to do ur stretches on so wouldnt worry to much just move ur legs around in ur seat

02-06-11, 23:18
Hi thank you for replying, made me feel a little calmer. I have heard of them flight socks so I will have to look for some tomorrow in town. I thought that it was more long flights too but silly me I googled and read some thing in the daily mail that said it doesn't matter how long the flight is you could still be at risk. xx

macc noodle
02-06-11, 23:41
Best thing you can do is keep mobile and keep hydrated - a 2hr flight is very low risk - just have little walks to the loo and back say every 15 mins if it bothers you. do your leg exercises whilst sitting. Drink plenty of water!

Oh and I always used to take an aspirin prior to the flight and then take one for the next 3 days after the flight but I was not on any other meds and it was purely self medication based on something i had read - and to be honest it gave me peace of mind.

Please dont worry - the risk is probably as low as getting one driving your car for a few hours.

Go and enjoy!!!!!
