View Full Version : Weird thoughts / worries

03-06-11, 07:53

I seem to be going through a period of worrying about the strangest things. It's like my brain is constantly looking for something to be wrong so I can get scared about it. I seem to be worrying all the time about the possibility of having hallucinations (which I have never had by the way). I'll wake up in the morning and lie there looking around the room thinking for example, 'do the curtains look odd?' or 'should the doors be as dark as that?'. I even thought to myself the other day 'is the ceiling to low?'. I don't know where these silly thoughts are coming from, it just seems like I have to have something to worry about and it's driving me mad.

I also seem to be worrying about what people think of me all the time. For example, if I'm walking down the road and someone is coming the other way, I'll start imagining what that person is thinking of me, such as 'she's ugly' or 'she looks stupid'. I know this is a load of rubbish and the majority of the time people probably don't even notice me, but I seem powerless to be able to switch it off.

Can anyone relate to this at all?

Laura x

jaded jean
03-06-11, 12:34
Hi Laura .
I suffered and-still do sometimes think that what if the curtains move on their own or similar stuff like that or is something going to come out of the wall and attack me -its just your mind playing tricks it wont hurt you- it takes a while to accept that I know but you are safe and sane!!

04-06-11, 16:52
I know exactly what you mean, if there's nothing else to worry about then my brain seems to just make it up! I get myself into a state about loads of stupid things. The difficult part is that I know its all ridiculous.

My coping strategy is to talk to my sister about it. She is usually very helpful. I find that her telling me that something is nothing to worry about helps. She does it a way that helps me... eg: why is it a problem? I don't know why it eases things but it does

04-06-11, 19:30
Hi Laura I fully understand where you are coming from, I won't even start to go into things I worry about from time to time. As you say I think our brains are trying to either punish us or just like to work overtime thinking of thinks to concern us!! Stay strong - the emotions do pass with time :winks:

04-06-11, 22:53
I definitely know where you're coming from - if I wake up and have nothing on my mind, I can't start my day properly until there's something to worry about. Recently it's been a "weird" feeling in my head that I was sure was there but, upon thinking about it, thought that maybe it wasn't and I got so very twisted in knots!

I guess we just get so used to have all these things in our head that it feels almost unnatural to be without them - thus our brain tries to find them to fill the gaps!

As for the walking down the street thing - all the time. This is one of the reason I hate going into towns/paying in shops/passing groups of people. But, as you say, they probably don't think twice about us.
I hope things get better for you soon :)