View Full Version : white coat syndrome!!.

03-06-11, 08:53
for all i ask i just know many of you will have and :scared15: this one, me having Reuhmatiod, have to go on many appoints,for bloods,x-rays and such, and for all i know many of the r/a nurses and docs there,i still get in such a state about going,the anxiety creases me,shaking palps,oh you name it ill get it, i was thinking about getting some kalms the day ones, to see if they would help take the edge off, im on meds for my R\A,and wondered if its ok i take the kams as well?,im due soon to go have some teeth out but it has to be by a hospital dentist because of the tabs im on for it Methetrexate,and as you can imagine,im petrified at going, if anyone has the same complaint as me and could answer my question,great, if not then just an opinion on the kalms would be welcome,dose anyone take them,would you say they work?, only the other day id to go for an MRI Scan,how the heck i managed to stay in ther for 40mins ill never know,but just as it had finished,i felt the fear rush hit me like a wave,heart began to bang fast, oh it was awfull,ive felt rotten since then ive got the shakes,and my anxiety is at a high, and now ive to go see in to have some teeth out!!!, its making me ill, i do need a reaxant of some king or else i just know ill never be able to through with it, Any words of reasurence welcome please.x

14-07-11, 00:14
My friend has the sam condition as you and she's on the same medication she like you has to go a lot for appointments and blood tests and opps but she is amazing and takes it all in her stride she fell down some stairs last year and broke her back and god she was amazing coming thru that i am ashamed of the way i carry on just going to get my blood presure done my nerves completly go ihave a big phobia about it but her she just keeps calm about everything and says why worry it doesnt make it any better by worring I have taken kalms and thy r very good i would try them ask at the chemist if u can take them and good look my friend has had rhum since she was 21 she is now 58 and looks good, xx

Cathycrumble xx