View Full Version : Uneven eyes, twitching leg - scared!

03-06-11, 09:32
Hi all, me again (sorry).

Since last week when my left thight started to twitch, I have also developed a muscle twitch in my left calf muscle. It happens quite frequently and hurts after a while (after it has finished twitching).

Also, since last Saturday I have noticed that my right pupil is bigger than my left (I also get headaches behind my eyes, particularly in the morning). I have told my doctor about my eye trouble and she said that we are not symetrical and that it is ok, but sometimes it's very noticibly larger.

I'm quite scared that these symptoms together could be a neuro problem?

04-06-11, 03:22
I have these! And more!
What neuro problems are you thinking?

04-06-11, 11:26
Hi. I read that you take Prozac and have had ME in the past. SSRIs can cause twitching and muscle tension. They can also cause mydriasis (pupil dilation) among other things so I wouldn't be too concerned about it unless you develop problems such as double vision or severe eye pain. (I'm guessing you're still on Prozac.)

I honestly don't think you should worry about a "neuro" illness, especially since you've seen your doc.

Prozac is a very slow-acting med and some side effects will be delayed. However, they should start to subside after 4-6 weeks.

04-06-11, 12:06
Thanks Melancholia (and midnightcalm).

I am still on Prozac - it's been just over 2 weeks now. I had a rash of early side effects (mainly dizzyness), but they subsided after the first week. I didn't know that side effects could be delayed.

It scared me because I had had an OK week (didn't feel as anxious as normal), then I get the twitching all of a sudden (now joined by pins and needles in my left hand and foot again). Everytime I seem to settle and get used to an anxiety symptom another one comes along and scares the poo out of me. I'm getting really fed up with it, especially as I had been more positive ths week...

It's also caused my night panic again. Last night I had awful nightmares and woke up very confused, thinking it was real. It took my poor girlfriend ages to calm me down and get me thinking 'clearly' again.

04-06-11, 12:43
hey monk-fish-joe, hope your feeling a little less anxious now?

i too suffer from terrible anxiety, which lead to health anxiety and a bunch of symptoms as long as my arm! everyday i have another fear/issue! even this morning i had a twitch in my upper leg, and within 5 minutes i had convinced myself i had a blood-clot!

it's horrible! i seem to fear every function my body does? and the panic attacks i have endured have been a night-mare to say the least! its been 9 day since i started citalopram... i'm hoping soon i'll have at least one day anxiety free, as at the moment its 24/7 and i have't been able to go-to work...

take-care :)

05-06-11, 16:48
Hi Sun-shine.

I am feeling a little less anxious now, but these symptoms aren't getting any better. It's literally a pain!

I hope the Cit kicks in for you soon. The Prozac is starting to have some effect. I just can't wait for it to get into my system a bit more.