View Full Version : I feel your pain...isn't it annoying!!!

03-06-11, 10:14
Since my anxiety started, last August, it's amazing how many times I have thought I was seriously ill. I never used to think like this before. If I had a bad headache, or stomach ache etc...I would just get on with it, I knew it would pass. But with anxiety, everything is magnified. A headache is a brain tumour....diaarhea is bowel cancer etc.....

For example, this week, I had a bad migraine Tues, this would normally pass but I have had dizziness and eye throbbing all week, so Wed night, I only got 2 hours sleep as I was convinced there was something seriously wrong with me. I went to the opticians yesterday and it turns out, I need a little help with reading, pc work, so need glasses for that. It was such a relief! So if I am worried about something, I now get it checked out instead of dwelling.

Anyway, just wanted to say, I know what it's like, panicking all the time, it's really horrible, but just try to remember, were you feeling this ill and worried before anxiety kicked in? Probably not, which, tells me anyway, it's just the anxiety talking. That helps me when I am in the middle of yet another panic....lol. :blush: Stay strong! xx

03-06-11, 11:55
Hi :)

like yourself i make myself ill with worry over health anxiety's and other issues! you seem to get transfixed and suddenly the anxiety has a hold of your whole life, & it's all you think about 24hrs of the day!

it's funny to read that you too have the same irrational thoughts as me... e.g, a head-ache quickly becomes a tumor on the brian, or the dreaded "lump in the throat" due to the anxiety becomes throat cancer? i sometimes work myself up that much i end up fearing my life and taking a major panic attack? i find myself waking up in such states in the early hours of the morning, panicking and shaking like a leaf with fear!...

and i totally agree: before anxiety i just got on with things... a head-ache was just a head-ache, sore arms off the gym were just muscle's healing! trapped wind was just trapped wind... now i dig deep in-to every little thing/function my body does!... its horrid! :mad:

but im trying to stay positive, hoping one-day i will beat this! and start living again! :hugs:
