View Full Version : New here. Leukaemia worries

Jack Haggard
03-06-11, 12:55
Hi there one and all, I have been a lurker on these forums for a while but have decided it may do me good to be involved with others with HA.

I went through a period of councelling for my persistent fear that I would suffer a stroke a few months ago and have become completely aware of how I react to any mysterious symptoms. Despte the good that councelling did me at the time I seem to have fallen back into bad habits over the last few days.

For a nearly couple of weeks now I have had a cold like illness (sinus pains, cough, sneezing, general aches etc) but just over a week ago I noticed what has turned out to be a petechial rash (only the small blood spots, not full blown bruises) over my arms and chest predominantly with a few isolated spots also on my legs and shoulders. I went to my GP about the cold/cough and also asked him to have a look at the spots. He gave me a course of Amoxicillin for the cold and suggested that I book a blood test, which I have next Monday, to look further at the rash. He also said that he feels that there is little to worry about and that bruising would be more a cause for concern. Since googling petechiae (very bad idea I know) I am petrefied that I have leukaemia. My stomach is uncomfortable and I have come close to vomiting, I have had diarrhea, I am aching more prominantly and I don't want to eat. Despite understanding that most of these problems have worsened since beginning to worry I can't help but panic that they fall in line with what I have read about the disorder.

I am driving myself round the bend worrying and have been getting my fiancee and my family down in the process. I just can't get the thought that I may not live to have children, or marry my wonderful fiancee, or do any of the things that I want to do out of my head.

I apologise for the long winded post and I really appreciate any responses.


03-06-11, 22:43
Just try keep calm until the blood test. I know it's hard, but Leukemia can be easily picked up straight away from a blood test. And it could just be a virus (and in most cases it is). I'm worrying about Lymphoma at the moment- I have a persistent swollen lymph node and petechiae on my arms (well, what I THINK is petechia). What does your petechia look like? Mine are like tiny little blood red dots. I have about 10 on each arm. You can't even see them unless you get real close. Btw, loads of people have petechiae and it's not always a cause for concern. It just seems bad when you Google it because all the websites are about serious illnesses. Petechiae seems to appear more in warm weather and sun too. Do you think that may be the reason for yours? Keep your chin up, and try not to worry. x

paula lynne
03-06-11, 23:03
Hi, welcome to the forum, glad you found us. You may have a bug, especially as youve had diahorrea. Drink plenty of water, stay out of the sun, and rest up. Wait on the blood tests as sophie says, and dont ask Dr Google anything it will only serve to intensify those terror feelings x

Jack Haggard
07-06-11, 22:17
Sorry for the long time in replying guys.

I had my blood test yesterday and popped by the doctors today to be told my results were normal. Just hearing those words were enough to make me go outside and cry my eyes out in relief. Anyway I think that seeing the counsellor is in order as it clearly didn't take much for my HA to rear it's ugly head again.

I'm still seeing a doctor this Thursday as my throat is a little sore and my glands are a tiny bit tender, along with still having petechiae, but I feel much better just knowing that I don't have Leukaemia however unlikely it was in the first place.

As for the petechiae Sophie (I'm not sure that all my spots are them) they are just a lot of absolutely tiny red or purple spots, a lot of which can't be seen unless they are up close, though I have a few that are a little easier to see. They are on my arms, shoulders and chest mostly, though I also have a few dotted on my legs and other spots. The thing that I don't understand is that some of them fade fairly substantially if pressed which I thought petechia didn't do.

Anyway, thank you to both of you for responding. Although I didn't reply sooner your comments did help at the time.

07-06-11, 23:18
Yeah, some of my petechiae disappears when pressed on too. I'm going back to the Doctor on Thursday. I had a blood test and the results were normal so I don't know what's causing the petechiae. :unsure: I'm scared.

Jack Haggard
07-06-11, 23:22
I'm pretty sure that petechiae caused by anything to worry about would show up in a blood test. If they were caused by lymphoma I'm sure that it would show in your blood tests at that point. Discuss your worries with your doctor but I honestly think that you'll be fine. It's all too easy to forget the part about petechiae often being completely innocent or caused by reasonably small illnesses when you see some of the scary diseases associated with it isn't it?

08-06-11, 16:43
Yup, so easily to forget about the small illnesses when Google screams 'Lymphoma' everytime I type in 'swollen lymph node and petechiae'. But I've stopped Googling my symptoms now and I feel so much better for it. :)

09-06-11, 14:28
Just thought I'd write again on this thread because I went to my Doctor again today about my swollen lymph node and petechiae. My swollen lymph node seems to be shrinking! :D She said it's less defined than before and smaller and seems like it's slowly fading back to normal size. I'm really happy about this. Also, it turns out my 'petechiae' is not petechiae. It's capillaritis, which is harmless and not really linked to a particular disease or illness. :)

09-06-11, 15:10
Oh no, I just Googled 'capillaritis' and petechiae is a type of cappilaritis. I'm worried again now.

09-06-11, 15:15
Sophie - stop googling - you are making things far far worse that they are.

Please be reassured by the doctor