View Full Version : 30mg to 40mg

03-06-11, 13:43
Upped my dose from 30mg to 40mg almost two weeks ago, my doctor had advised I upped from 20 to 40 about a month ago but I stuck with 30mg as I was feeling good on that dose.

Anyway, looks like the jump to 40mg was a huge mistake...I've never felt this tired in my life. My face is drawn and I have huge bags under my eyes, I wake up tired and go to bed tired.

I'm seriously considering switching down to 30mg again tomorrow, there is no way I can cope with this level of lethargy.

Anyone know how long it would take before the effects of an increased dose diminish after switching back to 30mg?


03-06-11, 15:36
Would really need to know what the prescribed drug is to be able to even take a guess, maybe the upper dose is going to level out if you give it a bit longer, how long have you been on 30 and 40 and why did doc increase, hope you are feeling better as well.

03-06-11, 19:37
If its citalopram you should feel ok in a couple of days reducing back to 30mg, I did. 40mg made me feel awful!

03-06-11, 21:40
Yep, it's citalopram.

I'm going to reduce the dose tomorrow. Wish me luck!

04-06-11, 01:14
Hopefully it won't be as bad as you think - from my experience of reducing Citalopram dosage I went from 40mg down to 20mg and felt pretty instantly better (within a couple of days).

04-06-11, 13:45
I'm currently on 40mg - the first few days were awful, but I can see that it's working on the mood side of things so sticking with it. I discovered that it makes things a LOT more bearable if I take 20mg in the morning and 20 at night. Also seems to avoid the slump in mood because the levels in my blood presumably are much more even.