View Full Version : Painful bump, any thoughts?

03-06-11, 17:25
Hi all,

Hoping someone may have an idea what this thing is! Although my mind wants to google and wander into something bad, thats not going to happen.

I have a bump on my lower back over my spine next to a tattoo, started small but has gotten bigger over a couple days, its kind of sore and flesh colored, but not a zit. Of course, now I have been touching it so thats why it may have swollen. It's soft and movable and has no color to it...

Anyone have any ideas? I'm using a warm compress for now and going to wait a week to see if it goes down...

Not going to freak...not going to freak, i got this!

Appreciate the help!

03-06-11, 19:14
going once? going twice? anyone know what this might be....should i be concerned, it has no color, and it's sudden so I'm assuming it's harmless and shoudl go away....or should I go to the doctor...it's smaller than a pea

03-06-11, 19:24
It could be a sebaceous cyst or a boil maybe.

I have a cyst on my back and sometimes it flares up and then I can squeeze it but it does take a while for this to happen.

03-06-11, 19:50
I was just going to say the same, sebacious cyst and if its moving then its good, it could take years to come to a proper head but if you go docs they will drain it but it will probably come back so I shouldnt worry, did I say that on the NMP site :winks: on saying that go docs and let him put your mind at rest so you dont worrry, how long have you had tat and what is it.
Just to make you smile dont eat pea if its not been washed :D

03-06-11, 21:33
Ha thanks!

I put some cream on it and a bandaid so I quit messing with it, it seems to have gotten smaller already, still tender and swollen. Hopefullys its nothing and goes away...I'll wait a week or so and see what's up, I can tell my new meds are working by the fact I'm not running to the doctor :0

Tats a circle sun, but the tattoo is raised over the area on my spine, im a keloid healer, so this bump is on my spine too...Ive had it for many years...
