View Full Version : GAD_GUY

03-06-11, 18:05
Hi All

I am new here but unfortunately not new to anxiety/panic/depression which I have suffered on and off now since 17 years old (almost double that age now!!). I think I am coming to a point in my life where I realise I am quite alone with no friends etc (apart from work colleagues) anxiety has severely limited my life over the years but although I have minor setbacks now and then, I have come a long way to what I used to be.

I hope I can make friends here and who knows, may be even meet up with people in a similar capacity as myself and finally be ME without fear of embarrasing myself and others with 'what if' scenarios (I bet you have all been there!)

Anyway that's me in a nutshell. Speak to you later!!

03-06-11, 18:07

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

jaded jean
03-06-11, 18:16
Hi Gad Guy.
Welcome to NMP. There are loads of us here who are happy to chat to you -compare illnesses lol and generally LISTEN . I have been in here -not literally mind since April 2010. It has been a vital support system for me , have met new friends and they are always here for me and me for them hopefully.
Try the chatroom when you can there is a help room there if you need any help or advice when feeling low.
Keep strong . Jean

Vanilla Sky
03-06-11, 19:53
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

03-06-11, 22:48
hello there, just to echo what jean said really that we are all here to listen and give advice. its a great support network here and i hope you find it helps you. I suffer with GAD myself so know how you feel. enjoy your stay here.

Kayleigh x

paula lynne
03-06-11, 22:52
Welcome aboard gad guy, happy to have you with us, no embarrasment here, guarenteed! :welcome:

04-06-11, 19:26
Thank you all for such a warm welcome, I will give the chat room a try. Paula, that's the beauty of the internet - we are all anonymous so therefore embarrassment is kept to a minimum :) I hope to see you all around!