View Full Version : Another day off work feeling ill...

03-06-11, 19:56
So I woke up this morning and just couldn't face going to work. I've been having pretty intense panic attacks recently and I was just terrified to get out of bed and face the day. I called in sick (they don't know that I suffer from panic attacks, they just think I still suffer every now and again with my heart problem), and they understood but I'm worried that I'm getting to the stage where I won't leave the house. There aren't that many places now that I feel comfortable going to... I don't want to become a recluse, my fiance is a very outgoing person, and although his friends all know about my situation I still get very embarressed if I have a panic attack when I am out with them.

Sorry this is all such a jumble, I just needed to let it out...

03-06-11, 20:07
hi mate i know how you feel im starting to get them pretty regular my self i suffer with heath anxiety . but i work for myself so its not to bad but even so i need to go out and earn money but every symptom i get i start to worry

03-06-11, 23:47
Hi Faded innocence

Do you get any help from your doctor? There are meds which may help as well as CBT if you can get it. Do your panics occur at any particular times (are they related to stressful periods in your life) or do they just come out of the blue? If you can identify something that may have triggered them it might be a bit easier to bring them under control.



06-06-11, 09:48
Hi Tyke,
I have just been to the doctors about this, he's suggested going back on citalopram which I was on about a year ago. My panic attacks come at any time of the day or night, my 'sanctuary' if you like is my house, and I'm getting to the stage where I don't want to leave as I think wherever I go I'll end up panicking. Even today I haven't gone into work. I'm hoping the citalopram will help to just take the edge off so I can start building strategies to help me cope in the future.
Thanks for replying :)

07-06-11, 03:34
You probably will find the Citalopram helps you, though these drugs usually take a few weeks to 'kick in'. I am on another SSRI (Sertraline), as well as Propranolol (a beta-blocker, for physical anxiety symptoms) and I am now so much better. I felt really down, lost interest in everything and didn't want to face people, but thankfully that has gone now.


07-06-11, 18:22
Hi Faded

I know how you feel, my house and car became my santuary.. My advise may not be agreed by most, but its helped me no end, to a degree where ive just got back from two weeks holiday in Hong Kong and China ( no where more packed with people than there.) I realised that our bodys can cope with panic attacks, (who needs drugs) and that no one ever died from a panic attack. I found that exposing myself was the only way (for me) that seemed to work, my attitude was more lets face it head on.. and if i make a fool of myself, so be it, and if there was something wrong with me id sooner pass out in public, then home alone (if that makes sense) its a loverly feeling to be out in public, to have an attack, and then ride it through... its like a small little victory. and the more you do it, the easier it becomes, there are even days where i dont get one, but want one to test myself. Dont get me wrong, i still get them, and im not sure if i will ever be free... but id sooner live my life, do the things i want, deal with them when i get them, rather than never leaving the house, losing my job and living of pills. Dont get me wrong, im not knocking the pills etc, people have different methods that work for them, but i felt that the pills where not dealing with the real issue, and that they will only mask the problem.. but im not doctor, just a panic suffer who is fighting the good fight (like yourself, and many others)

Good Luck, Times 71

07-06-11, 20:08
times71 those are very reassuring words and I am really glad this method is working for you. I would love to travel to different continents again, but seeing as its 15 years since I had a holiday anywhere, even a UK holiday would be nice.

I like to think I am turning a corner with my anxiety as I try to 'fight' it nowadays instead of dwelling on the symptoms and hiding from situations which cause them but only time will tell if they actually work. Well done on your personal battle and I hope you give your anxiety a swift kick up the butt from all of us!!

10-06-11, 21:45
Hi Gad guy

Im glad your fighting it, and facing the situations is the only way forward.. . I hope when you finally start beating it to a pulp you get a well deserved holiday.

good luck dude.