View Full Version : Driving

03-06-11, 21:52
Hi, I have just registered here, and am a bit confused with the setup, so I hope I'm doing right so far.
I have only just started getting panic attacks when driving, when I get on roads, duel carriage ways, and roundabouts with traffic lights, it starts and I now avoid these situations. I was fine until 1st March this year, when I was travelling to hospital to have an appointment, when suddenly I felt as though I was going to faint, everything was a sort of grey colour, my heart pounded, my whole body shook, and my back went into spasm, the pain was bad, I managed to see an area where I could pull into, and I just cried, the back pain eased the shaking eased, I only had a short while before the turn off to the hospital, so I set off, still shaking a bit, but I did it. My return journey was worrying me, so I decided to take a different route, I was ok. The thought of this really worried me, for future trips, and I started getting anxious about this. Thinking, what happens if I have to take my husband to hospital, or pick him up, or how could I get to see my son, I have to take that same road, and further, no other route is available. Then the 4 mile journey to the supermarket gave me another panic attack, I do a different route to go there now. I've seen the doctor, she won't give me any medication, but has referred me to a counsilor, which I'm waiting for the appointment. Could anyone please give me any advice. With Thanks Brenny.

03-06-11, 21:54
Hi Brenny

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-06-11, 21:55
Hi and :welcome:

Have a read of my story on the left hand side under "personal stories/my story".

I too had a problem with driving issues so can understand how you feel.

Hope we can be of some help on here.

03-06-11, 22:10
hiya i am having major issues with driving also so i know how you feel and am around any time of you fancy a chat. Reading Nicola's personal story helped me a lot though so hope you check that out.

Kayleigh x

Vanilla Sky
04-06-11, 04:43
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

04-06-11, 15:12
Hi Everyone, Thankyou all for the welcome you gave me here. I have just read your story Nicola, and oh how brave you were, brought tears to my eyes, You had to do so much driving, yet me, I don't need to go too far. When I'm driving along, and look at the other cars, I get envious of the drivers because they don't feel as I do, and now I know that there are others like me, yourselves, and many more I suppose.
Thankyou Diane,Nicola,Kaleigh, and Paige xxx:hugs: