View Full Version : Bad day today :-(

04-06-11, 10:22
Anxiety really sucks sometimes, today it has grabbed me and wont let go. My pain in my right side this morning is niggling me, no where near as bad as it was but still my anxiety is in overdrive and my mind is racing. Why cant I accept things that the doctor tells me and just get on with life.

Sorry I am so frustrated this morning!

04-06-11, 11:10
i feel you pain!... anxiety is a Bitch with a capital B! i was laying in bed this morning and had a pain in my upper-leg, 5 minutes later i was on google researching blood-clots and D.V.T

i'm so scared of every function/feeling/niggle/pain, that my body does!... and how there's something major wrong with me?... WHY??!!

it really gets you down and anxiety plays on your mind 24hrs a day!... but you know, we are all in the same boat here, and if ever you need to vent or just need someone to chat too, we are here...

there's some really caring folk on here ... :)



04-06-11, 15:11
Thanks for your reply, this site is brilliant and I have received a lot of support. Im trying to relax and smile :-) x

04-06-11, 15:56
hope your having a better after-noon? you have the right idea about the relaxing... you just take it easy :)