View Full Version : Napping

04-06-11, 13:43

Just wondered if any of you manage to nap while taking cit? And if you do do you feel ok when you wake up, the reason I'm asking is when I was taking seroxat I used to get really tired but when I went for a nap I woke up feeling terrible so j wondered if it's the same on cit


04-06-11, 14:44
I could nap for England on citalopram! I always feel fine when I (eventually) wake up.

05-06-11, 10:57
Thanks Laura

I get periods where I feel really tired and think a nap would would help but I'm really scared to because of my past experiences, I'm only on day 9 of cit so have a long way to go, sometimes I feel having a sleep would help with the SEs as well but again I'm so anxious incase I wake up feeling worse, what a weird cycle we all live in


05-06-11, 12:34
I couldnt nap or sleep for ages on Cit .When I did fall asleep id wake up and have a panic attack .Once the dose was right ,I finally slept like a baby,:yesyes: If I nap now ,which isnt often ,I wake up feeling fine . If your side effects arent bothersome I would think A nap would help and shouldnt present any problems .All the best Sue x