View Full Version : Exercise what's your thoughts?

04-06-11, 14:50
Does anyone get dizzy doing exercise? or feel like crap when they stop?
I feel dizzy when I stop which isnt usual for me which causes me anxiety. I get blurred vision but that's quite normal when I exercise I don't like it though.

I usually go cycling and I get out of breath easily. Usually when I start up for the summer after a long break for the winter or due to our crappy weather. Maybe I need to exercise more I don't know.
On the cross trainer I can manage 10 mins on level 7 and I'm weak in the knees and dizzy, blurred vision, pumping heart. Quite normal stuff but I don't like the dizzyness. I keep thinking I'm terribly unfit and in bad health.

I dont walk anywhere and the only exercise I get is from those I mentioned and the odd walk in the forest or the beach. I get horrible shin splints walking.

04-06-11, 15:12
Are you eating properly before and after exercise and staying hydrated etc?

I know the feelings you describe though, I go to the gym usually 4/7 days a week so I'm pretty used to it now, but when I first started exercising properly it made me feel like crap.

From my experience, breathing correctly when exercising is very helpful. I think this is one of the main reason I often feel lightheaded when doing weights, I'd suggest that you have a look online for some proper breathing methods when exercising, I'm sure they'll help.

Just don't rush straight into exercising especially if you've had a long break, build it up slow and don't over-work yourself.


04-06-11, 22:48
Hi Nicky32,

I use to go to my local gym 5 days aweek, my regime used to be running on the treadmill for 60mins every session, this went on for 3 years, then one day i noticed i became like yourself i started to get what i know now as panic attacks, i use to work in the fitness industry so i new all the cool down, warm up etc, eat 3hrs before and i use to drink a mixture of water/energy drink while training......i havent been to gym for several years now and when i do exercise i feel terrible!!!