View Full Version : One Week Without Xanax

04-06-11, 15:40
It dawned on me that it has been a full week since I last had a dose of Xanax; actually a week and a day if you want to get technical about it. While there've been a couple of incidences in which I was tempted to take some, I decided to ride it out.

Not sure if the trend will continue through today as it's only 9:35 a.m. here and my nerves are already acting up, but we'll see. In any event, I don't think I've gone an entire week without taking at least a little Xanax in three and a half years, so I'm mighty happy about this little success.

By the way, I went back to the farmer's market again this sunny Saturday morning (thinking of turning this into a weekend ritual); didn't tarry long but did get what I went for, then stopped to fuel the car on the way back. It's supposed to be over 100 F here today (which I think is around 38 C if I remember correctly) so I doubt I'll be getting out any more today. My nerves started acting up just as I was leaving the market, but I still finished my other errand and made it home. Now I'm going to settle in with the newspaper and see if my nerves will finish calming down without any medicinal assistance.

05-06-11, 13:42
Hi mtatum,

Well done!!! A great achievement....may it continue for you.


19-06-11, 02:44
Well done!