View Full Version : My left kidney feels sore, should i go to the hospital?

04-06-11, 16:38
My left kidney feels sore, should i go to the hospital?

04-06-11, 16:51
I get those thoughts myself that make me go to the emergency room lol.....I didn't like the sound of me having high blood pressure so I went cause I started to freak out. Nothing they could do but give me beta blockers.

Probably nothing wrong man I get sore back, kidneys, chest they go away and don't last forever. Could be laying down wrong or something.

04-06-11, 17:03
yeah I am trying my best to agree with you, and it only hurts when i bend, its like a strong tugging sensation, but i have started to fixate on it, so of course I am imagining the worst :weep:

04-06-11, 18:37
This may be a silly question but how on earth do you know it is your kidney that is hurting?

macc noodle
04-06-11, 19:05
Sounds muscular to me ! :)

04-06-11, 19:07
it might be something else or a UTI just relax and if you feel pain tomorrow go to the doc.

05-06-11, 21:57
If it was a kidney problem that was worthy of hispital youd know it. youd be shaking uncontrollably and running a high fever. i should take an ibuprofen and soak in a bath x

05-06-11, 22:21
I agree with xfilme, it's probably muscular. I have had a similar pain for a couple of months. I wouldn't go to hospital with it running the risk of catching something worse and aggravating the pain by sitting around waiting to be seen.