View Full Version : what a day?...

04-06-11, 16:54
today has been such a world wind of emotions for me? woke up with the usual anxity, and managed to scare myself into yet another panic-attack, thinking i had something wrong with my leg? (dont ask?)... "words of notice": never google symptoms in the midst of a panic attack, it will only increase your fears!

after calming myself down some-what, i decided to have breakfast, was able to force down yogurt (i took my citolpram with breakfast, my 9th day of taking them) i then proceeded to-do the washing up...

an hour or so later something perculiar happened too me? i actually felt a little normal, a litte like my old-self. for a short while i had other emotions other then the usual FEAR, PANIC, DREAD... i actually had the urge to potter in the garden? (somthing i love too do but have'nt in weeks) my anxiety symptoms seemed to go to the back of my mind...

after spending a short while in the garden i run myself a bath and with this new found normality started too plan (dramatically) what i was going to do with my day! (the night before last i remembered my auntie had invited me to her holiday cottage for the night, that was it! i'll go there!)

after getting dressed and having a cup of tea, i sat down for a short while looking forward to a night away from home, then it hit me:

A NIGHT AWAY FROM HOME!? what happens if i have a panic attack whilst im there? what happens if i have a heart-attack on the way up in the car and die? im going to be far from home in un-familiar surroundings? PANIC!! my mind was once again in over-drive!

all of a sudden that normal feeling was quickly out the window, and i became instantly exausted?... oh and that pain in my leg come back too?... i'm now lying on the sofa feeling alone, full of anxiety with a huge lump in my throat, and the majority of health-anxiety related symptoms present once more (chest pain, knotted stomach etc)

... i guess it been so long since iv felt some-what normal, and got carried away?... i'v managed to scare myself back in to the black hole...

sorry for the long and blabbering post guys :(


04-06-11, 17:28
I do that, sometimes i think that i feel 'normal' but the normal feeling feels weird and then scares me into a panic again as I am not used to feeling'normal' anymore.....

The feeling of Normality will come back it has for me before and I am sure it will for you and me again


04-06-11, 17:44
Hi Sunshine :)

oh how I recognise your post ................that wonderful feeling of WANTING to potter in garden ...........anticipating something to do in future ...then WHAM
The anxiety and panic comes back to ruin it :mad:

but hey ......you felt the optimism and it lasted for a while which is a mark you are recovering truly . next time it will be longer .but you have caught that glimpse of the old you and it will nurture you through the bad times ...... that feeling will return more and more because reading your posts .you are doing everything you can to recover .and you will . hold that feeling you had today close ....old chestnut I KNOW ............but baby steps get us there .one forward .we fall ..two forward we fall .......three forward we just sway a bit ........four forward ........we feel dizzy but stay on our feet and walk .
take care xx

04-06-11, 18:25
aww thanks for that snow-goose, you make so much sence! i guess im being hard on myself, and tend to push things too fast in-stead of taking things slow.... that short spell of normality i had seems to have knocked me back a little? i guess its because im now comparing how i was feeling this afternoon to now?... but shouldnt that give me hope? you would have thought!...

thanks again snow ...:hugs:


04-06-11, 18:43
hi again :)

dont compare ..........you saw that ray of SUNSHINE :)........and it will be back .

can feel the fact you know that in your post :).....hold on and never ever let go of that feeling you had today . no matter what .........keep a diary ....you will be glad you do .
take care xxx

04-06-11, 19:41
hello sunshine,
don't be so hard on yourself, you did some pottering in the garden which like you said its something you've not fancied doing in a while, if anything you've achieved a lot today so don't be down, those moments of feeling normal and like your own self should get bigger with time and then you can do more and more each time. I was happy the other day because i managed to take my dog out by myself for 20 mins, small steps lol.

Good luck

Kayleigh x

04-06-11, 21:27
awww thanks kayleigh/snow! you guy's are soo sweet to me! and your posts make me smile (which i never seem to-do these days?)

i guess i'm finding it hard, and i'm still trying to balance everything... it's like im living a different life to the one i used too right now?...

but as they say times a great healer! and i guess its still early days for me yet?...

:hugs: hugs to you all

x x x

04-06-11, 21:54
it is early days sun-shine

we want to get back to the people we were ..of course we do :)

it took a long time for you to get so ill ......and it takes time to recover .
Patience......eating well .......drinking lots of fluids ......education by reading lots on our demons . and resting and allowing yourself permission to have time to do it .
you will be fine ..........just dont rush it .

small acorns make oak trees ........time my forum friend time xx

07-06-11, 11:10
it is early days sun-shine

we want to get back to the people we were ..of course we do :)

it took a long time for you to get so ill ......and it takes time to recover .
Patience......eating well .......drinking lots of fluids ......education by reading lots on our demons . and resting and allowing yourself permission to have time to do it .
you will be fine ..........just dont rush it .

small acorns make oak trees ........time my forum friend time xx

hi snow-goose, hope your well :)

you make a lot of sence, but it does get to you some-times. like i was saying before to another member, i had another "normal" spell for an hour or so yesterday and did some washing, sad i know but i have no interest in ANYTHING these past weeks. this however was followed by the rest of the day/night feeling panicky, scared and back to anxiety-ridden! i was so tired last-nite but could'nt fall asleep because of these darn "feelings of doom" and "fearing of life"!...

i think what happens is i get scared? i had these moments of feeling a little normal, so i get exited and think "i must be getting well" then i come crashing down shortly after!

i guess its taking the good with the bad, learning to deal with them?

take-care forum friend


07-06-11, 11:48
Hi Sun-shine
Love the name :D
It's lovely when you get a glimpse of positiveness and feel able to do things:), maybe sad when it goes, but hang on in there, it will come back:yesyes:
I took my dog out today, on my own and feel good about it now:D
Take care and chin up