View Full Version : constant hunger again !!

04-06-11, 17:23
for a while now i have been just constant hunger all day every day and its really getting annoying now anything i eat just wont take this hunger away am also emetophobic and its really getting me into a anxious state as i think i will over eat and be sick etc but it just wont stop i just wanna eat & eat.... although i don't eat & eat because i worry to much i want to eat i have ate a fair bit today and now just had a nice tea but i want more foods its really getting me down what can i do about it or why am i feeling this way x x

05-06-11, 18:10
anyone ????

06-06-11, 21:37
For me it's a sign of constipation. Naturally eating doesn't help, having a poo resolves it pretty much immediately.

07-06-11, 11:38
Constapation !!!!
Can this make u feel hungry 24/7 ?? How ??
I am always constipated and always hungry its horrible as am only little have a belly that looks 9 months pregnant and the pains I get all below my left rib & all down my left side am eating like a horse & hardly going the loo, my stomach is so uncomfortable and the wind & nausea am having is horrible also lower back pains but the worse is the constant hunger and bad cravings x x

07-06-11, 13:16
I've been like this lately, although im hungry, but i feel a bit sick, like in the pit if my stomach, and then im not sure i want to eat.

07-06-11, 14:09
i feel like that too

07-06-11, 15:45
i feel like that too

its really annpying and frustrating me as i feel am over eating (am emetophobic) so am also worrying i will be sick etc but no matter what i eat i want more what ive eaten today is -

4am ( 4small rounds of toast with jam, chocolate bar)
8.30am (2small toast with jam, some jelly babies)
11am (crunchie chocolate bar)
1pm (bowl of coco pops)
3pm (apple)

i keep thinking am eating to much this is just about 1200 calories so not alot really i just can seem to stop wanting food even if i feel bloated/full etc i still wanna eat

am only 5ft4 and weigh 8st

07-06-11, 15:55
I wouldn't say this was too much, just a bit unhealthy. How come you're having a first breakfast at 4 am?

07-06-11, 16:03
I wouldn't say this was too much, just a bit unhealthy. How come you're having a first breakfast at 4 am?

i wake between 2-4am every morning no matter wot time i go asleep early or late.. and wake up wanting food xx
i had a eating disorder not so long ago well i lost all my appetite due to bad anxiety and just stopped eating then 8-10 weeks ago i started citalopram & started eating about 4weeks ago but the past few weeks i just wanna eat & eat if i didnt have a phobia of vomiting i think id carry on eating

07-06-11, 16:13
I'm no doctor, but if you swapped the chocolate and jelly babies (although I munched on those today!) for fruit etc, then it shouldn't be so bad. Strawberries are the best because they're one of the the lowest calorie fruits, and any of the dark red/purple/blue fruits are great because they have precursers in them for our natural highs. This is why warm milk is suggested before bed :)

07-06-11, 20:00
I have increased appetite while riding the PMS train. It can be hormone related.

07-06-11, 20:08
I'm no doctor, but if you swapped the chocolate and jelly babies (although I munched on those today!) for fruit etc, then it shouldn't be so bad. Strawberries are the best because they're one of the the lowest calorie fruits, and any of the dark red/purple/blue fruits are great because they have precursers in them for our natural highs. This is why warm milk is suggested before bed :)

well i go for high calories as i am trying to regain all my weight back (am now up2 8st) but i have eaten an apple :) lol
am so constipated now i just feel so stuffed i can't eat another thing even though i haven't eaten much today really..... but my stomach just so sickly, solid & feels like its been burning just below my ribs in center

07-06-11, 21:12
My Amitryptiline medication causes constipation, so I'm a bit familiar with it. I take it at night to help me sleep which means I often don't go first thing in the morning. This happened to me the other day in fact. I had breakfast and went to work, an hour later I'm feeling very hungry. Which was odd. At first I thought my blood sugar was low and considered eating, but this didn't make much sense. Instead of eating I went to the toilet, the hungry feeling in my stomach went almost instantly.

It's pretty strange and I don't know why it happens, but this has been my experience a couple of times now. And you seem to be in a similar boat, and it would explain why eating isn't helping. I always find Bran Flakes to be a great laxative but whatever works for you.

08-06-11, 06:28
My Amitryptiline medication causes constipation, so I'm a bit familiar with it. I take it at night to help me sleep which means I often don't go first thing in the morning. This happened to me the other day in fact. I had breakfast and went to work, an hour later I'm feeling very hungry. Which was odd. At first I thought my blood sugar was low and considered eating, but this didn't make much sense. Instead of eating I went to the toilet, the hungry feeling in my stomach went almost instantly.

It's pretty strange and I don't know why it happens, but this has been my experience a couple of times now. And you seem to be in a similar boat, and it would explain why eating isn't helping. I always find Bran Flakes to be a great laxative but whatever works for you.

alot of people have said try bran flakes/ weetabix etc i have a wheat intolerance so i dont eat wheat :weep: my diet is poor well i eat a lot but its all bread, porridge, apples etc nothing to make me go the loo x

08-06-11, 10:11
I have seen on this forum that drinking hot water can help with constipation. Another is orange juice.

It's said that figs and spinach are particularly good. Good ol' fruit and vegetables are always good for digestion too. A vegetable stew I'm sure would do the trick!

I'd really try to cut out all of those sugary foods you're eating as it's not healthy though I think you know this. I'm sure they can't be helping at all. Replace them with fruit as fruit contains plenty calories.

Hope this helps you.

08-06-11, 16:22
I have seen on this forum that drinking hot water can help with constipation. Another is orange juice.

It's said that figs and spinach are particularly good. Good ol' fruit and vegetables are always good for digestion too. A vegetable stew I'm sure would do the trick!

I'd really try to cut out all of those sugary foods you're eating as it's not healthy though I think you know this. I'm sure they can't be helping at all. Replace them with fruit as fruit contains plenty calories.

Hope this helps you.

i always try to give up the chocolate etc but i have the worse sweet tooth EVER!! i hate it when i give them up for a day or so i crave so much i give in :weep: but i have started eating some apples now but i no i need mopre intake of fruit & veg which i am trying but right now am so sore & bunged up i just cant and don't feel like eating anything :weep:

i cant have orange as it kicks off my bad acid and nothing with wheat in as i have a wheat intolerance x

08-06-11, 22:12
Hi there
You need to change your diet all together and try eating vegetables meat and also fruit and drink plenty of water.
Cut your sweet tooth intake down as well.


21-06-11, 13:55
So i have made some changes to my diet started eating some fruit / veg & cooked meals i do still have some chocolate but not like i used to just eat chocolate and nothing else anyway am still hungry 24/7 people suggested that it was my poor diet and now i have changed my diet well added fruit & veg in am still HUNGRY 24/7 and it just wont stop !!
my doc just done another blood test AGAINfor thyroids/ liver etc as i told him i cant cope with wanting to eat all the time its not as if am hungry and its not even hunger pains i just want something well more of a craving (usually for chocolate) i am really getting frustrated now and it wont stop x

23-06-11, 12:59
well still wanting to eat & eat and it just wont stop its really getting me so frustrated now and really stressing me out :(

23-06-11, 13:06
that doesnt sound like a lot to me at all, i eat twice as much as that every day! im 20 and a size 8, for breakfast before work i have cereal, then when i get to work i have a bacon,egg and muchroom sandwich, loads of chocolate and crisps through that day, along with my sanwiches and then tea when i get home :)