View Full Version : Question for the ladies!

04-06-11, 17:43
Hi all! To begin, i have begun to suffer from anxiety about my health (particular fear of cancer) for this past year so going for a routine smear test has been a nightmare for me. Anyway, it's been just over 6 weeks and i haven't heard a word about results. I'm afraid to begin to feel more relaxed (as some say no news is good news!). Was just wondering is this the case? would i have heard back before now if something was seriously wrong?

04-06-11, 17:58
hello Christers :)

you should have heard back by now I think ...........but health authorities seem to vary hugely throughout the country . if normal some surgeries seem to expect us to ring for result :mad:.
ring your surgery on Monday for result ...........if it had been a worrying result I think the lab would have contacted your doctor by now .
I got a letter but again not sure about regional policies . x

04-06-11, 18:03
Thanks for the reply snowgoose. I just hope it's the case that if there was anything majorly wrong they wouldn't leave it as long as 6-7 weeks to contact me. Might give the docs a ring this wk. thanks!

04-06-11, 19:16
Whenever i have had tests done and espesically through pregnancies, i have always been told if i havn't heard anything within 5 days then that means the results are fine. I was told that if there was anything serious or of any concern then i would get a call sooner.
The fact its been 6 weeks for you i would say that they were fine.
If you are really concerned though on monday you could always enquire :)

04-06-11, 19:34
Thanks so much ladies for your quick replies. It's been really worrying me as it's the first check up since having my son 2 years ago and my friend also recently had an abnormal smear. Hopfully everything will b ok. Thanks for taking the time!

04-06-11, 22:41
When i had my smear they let me know that the sample was inadequate within 5 days...so i imagine that you would have had by now if anything wrong......but phone your surgery if worried ...good luck

05-06-11, 15:01
Hi there - yeah I was told that if I didn't hear anything it was all okay. I think I eventually got a letter saying all was okay, or I phoned up or something. I'm sure they would have told you by now :] Try not to worry, and give them a quick phone to double check tomorrow perhaps. Take care.

Hazel B
05-06-11, 16:38
Hi, I got my recent result back by letter after 13 days, I'm in the Berkshire area. Some areas do have a "no news is good" policy but I would call my GP if I were you. Ring tomorrow and say you've not heard back, I'm sure they will be able to let you know the process and hopefully put your mind at ease.

Oh, the joys of being a woman! :)

05-06-11, 16:40

I always get anxious with my smears. My nurse told me, that results can take anything up to 6 weeks, although, I think you will find, they do a preliminary test very quickly and if all ok, it will go into the normal pile to check. (Hence the 6 weeks). My results usually come back through the post.

Try not to worry to much now :-)

05-06-11, 17:21
Girls, thank you all for responding. Indeed, the joys of being a woman! Will maybe give the docs a call tomorrow. Just needed to check other ladies experiences and whether anyone knew that they would have been in touch before now if anything was wrong. Never used to think twice about smear test results before this year!

05-06-11, 20:34
Ive had a lot of problems with smear tests in the past, and from experience I would say that if there is a problem, you are usually informed within a week or so, and taking over a month is usually a sign that theres nothing to worry about. x