View Full Version : Pressure in head

04-06-11, 23:07
Hi guys, was just wondering if anyone could relate/suggest an alternative to a brain tumour!

For the last few days I've had a feeling of pressure in my head. It's not constant but when it happens it makes me feel a bit strange; not exactly dizzy, just uncomfortable. It feels like someone is inside my head, squeezing things together. Not painful, just weird.
I've also been getting funny sensations when I'm lying down with my eyes closed - almost like waves going through my head.

Is this just anxiety or, as I have decided, something more serious? The more I think about it, the more I'm finding other symptoms that point to things - "oh god, I can't remember that word - I KEEP doing that" or "eek, a headache!!"
Thanks :)

macc noodle
04-06-11, 23:42
Hey there

i keep getting that too - same worries, same sensation - it has come on gradually over last 6months and so in the end i went to the doc to ask for some advice.

turns out the main problem is actually my neck - I have arthritis in my neck which is causing referred symptoms up into my head!!!

Plus a good old dose of anxiety!!

05-06-11, 01:11
I have the same excact feeling right this second. I have had it for going on 3 years now and my MAIN fear has always been a brain tumor. Its so weird because what leads me to believe its just anxiety is because it goes away when something else comes along such as another symptom unrelated to this.

05-06-11, 08:46
It sounds very much like muscle tension in your neck referring to your head. Ive had it for nearly 3 months now.....and I know how worrying it is. If you read up on cervogenic headache it wl explain a lot of your symptoms and hopefully give you some reassurance.

This anxiety / tension does some strange things to our bodies! Relaxation is the key bur that is easier said than sone I know!

05-06-11, 11:51
since feb this year i've had a similar thing, it started with me feeling off balance and a little dizzy. Then i got the pressure feeling in my head, it's lessened quite a lot now and i only get it occasionally. I went down the same thought pattern as you........the worst possible outcome! Why do we do that?!!
If you still have it in a few weeks go get yourself checked if you want but it'll more than likely be gone by then x

05-06-11, 17:37
Hi Phwoffy i suffer from anxiety due to having a brain tumour removed three years ago. The symptoms you are experiencing are, i am sure, anxiety. I had no symptoms other than a seizure before i was diagnosed, thankfully it was benign, but a very big tumour !! My anxiety has come on since the operation, fear of it coming back i suppose and because it has left me with epilepsy, i worry about having a fit etc etc !! When my anxiety occurs i get the same things as you get and more, but i know it is not a tumour as i have just had another clear mri scan. I am learning to control the symptoms, so try not to worry, i am sure this is anxiety xx

05-06-11, 22:45
Ho Phwoffy

Sounds like it could be a sinus type thing, or congestion in your head. You don't have to have a cold to get these symptoms and they can lead to head pressure and weird symptoms.

The air quality has been really pants for the last few days too which doesn't help.

Trying steaming over a bowl or basin with some menthol if you have it and try not to worry, that's just making you anxious which makes it all so much worse. (Easy to say, I know!)

06-06-11, 10:53
I have been having throbbing pains in the back of my head for a couple of weeks now. I did go to the optician and I do need reading glasses so have ordered them, but also know it could just be tension headaches as I suffer from anxiety. It does worry me though, when I feel unwell, the anxiety rises, which is a vicious circle I suppose.

07-06-11, 01:11
I've been getting similar symptoms as well as my head feeling really hot but my temperature is normal. I keep worrying that I'm having a stroke or something as I keep having strange feelings in my head and face. I'm so scared! it's really bad tonight :(

10-06-11, 09:37
Well, I now have my reading glasses and I have seen the docs and she said its a tension headache and she has seen a lot of people with them recently, so that put my mind at ease. And the headaches have really eased off now.