View Full Version : Toilets are my worst enemy

05-06-11, 06:27

I have, since I was a little girl, suffered from anxiety of going to the toilet. Not as most, not being able to go, but to actually be near and of course especially on the toilet.
I don't feel ashamed about it, and I do tell most people around me, as it is something that is influent on my everyday-life.
It mostly appears when toilet that flush it self, hi-tech-toilets, small restrooms, as in flights (I can't stand the airplane-toilets!)..
So mostly, public toilets are my problem. And I hate it. I hate, that I can't just go when I have to. Sometimes I just hold the pee.. But because I have a small bladder and have to go quiet often, mostly I can't.

I live in Dubai, but my home country is Denmark, and we go home 2 times a year. That's 4 flights of 7 hours, maybe more, if not a direct flight. That means, that I sometimes have to pee most of the trip, but if it becomes very unpleasant, as in hurting and so, I go out to the toilet, just standing there, looking at the toilet, shaking, sweating, my heartbeat goes all the way up. Then I usually go back to my seat without peeing, but then I can't stand it, and does the same thing again. I feel as if I would pass out being in the toilets. After all, I pee, and when I have to again, I always use that exact same toilet. I will still be a mess, going in there the first couple of times, but I have to "trust" every single toilet.

Is there a treatment or some kind of help for this? I know I'm bad at english, and sorry for that, but I hope You understand, really. I can't live with this "condition" anymore.

05-06-11, 11:16
Would some kind of hypnotic therapy help. If they can do it for people with a fear of flying, Im sure they could do with people with a fear of toilets.