View Full Version : citalopram dose help please !!!

05-06-11, 08:37
Hi, I have posted here a few times in the past, and i would like some advice on citalopram dose, has anyone ever been on a dose that has been too high, and if so how did they know ? what were the symptoms, i am taking 50mg at the moment, and would really welcome any advice from those who have had to reduce their dose. many thanks :hugs:

05-06-11, 10:06
i have been on & off these for many years started at 10mg and right up to 40mg which were way to HIGH for me :( i just felt extremely shakey / anxious / tired / no appetitebut the main one was my body just trembling 24/7 but once i explained this all to doc he reduced my tabs now am onto 30mg :)

05-06-11, 12:27
40mg made me feel too tired and spaced out .I reduced and went on to 35mg ,IT made a lot of difference even tho its a small reduction .Sue x

06-06-11, 10:36
I increased from 20mg to 30mg about 5 weeks ago. Initially had increased anxiety for a couple of weeks and now just feel very tired and space out. Do you think it would be worth reducing to 25mg?

We'll find the right dose eventually pinkdove, try and stay positive :-) xxx

06-06-11, 14:16
Hi, I've reduced my dose by 5mg today, to 45mg, will see how the next few day's go, i think it is so hard to get it just right, thanks for your help, will let you know how i get on :hugs:

06-06-11, 16:03
I think for me the signs were increasing side effects or other, new, side effects springing up but no lessening of the main symptoms of depression/anxiety. You're right it is hard to get the right dose especially with the long latency before the true effects start coming through. So it's a case of trial and error until you feel happy.

07-06-11, 16:20
I have a procrastination problem and kept putting off making an appointment with my GP, because I can never get her anyway...! So ran out of my citalopram. I am prescribed 40mgs so I reduced to 20 as I ran low.. Last week I was away, felt great so took hardly any...Now back home, feeling agitated and waking up at ungodly hours unable to get back to sleep! I am also a binge drinker and have not done so for almost 2 months now... but I can feel the panic and anxiety growing, which leads me to drink.... I am just so lucky I was able to recognise why I am feeling like this, so got on phone and made sure to get an appointment tomorrow....You just can't mess around with these drugs.. and for me its a life saver!

16-06-11, 10:22
Hi Guys, Have been taking 45mg now for the past 10 days, and have felt a bit better, but still feel the side effects, so today i have taken 40mg, hoping i will settle at this, it is just so hard to get the dose just right, but i will try this for a week, and see how things go, thanks for all your replies. :hugs:

16-06-11, 14:58
Hi pinkdove - I know exactly what you're going through! I have now been on 30mg for 6 weeks and the side effects (poor sleep, tiredness, restlessness, nausea, teeth clenching) don't seem to want to go away! I've changed to taking 10mg in the morning and 20mg at night to see if that helps. Still feeling quite low but confused as to whether I should increase or decrease the dose!

We will get there eventually! :hugs: