View Full Version : everything! and CBT???

05-06-11, 13:29
long time since i posted trying to keep a grip on things but need a bit of support, tomorrow i go to my docs for a cbt referral hopefully this is the answer ive been looking for for 7 years. to enjoy a holiday with my partner without thinking i need a drink to relax otherwise i am going to die will be great!! get married next year already panicking about the honeymoon i want to enjoy it not spend 2 weeks panicking about not feeling right or drinking everyday to just chill me out, dont enjoy drinking anymore because i just seem to drink these days to get past any anxiety and drink far toomuch. had flu earlier and spent the whole time thinking i was dying! dont even now why im writing this. i just need to let the feelings go i think my partner tries but doesnt really understand what its like not to be able to enjoy all the little things in life without feeling strange and i sooooo want to enjoy my daughter growing up and the company of friends and family and my life with my partner but i cannot due to anxiety so putting all my hopes on cbt! any success stories with this course of treatment???

05-06-11, 16:23

Good for you starting on CBT.
If you are having the referral don't be surprised if all you do is fill out a scoring questionnaire and answer questions. Thats all that usually happens.
CBT can work really well, however you have to put some hard work into it but don't worry about that as you can do it all in small manageable steps.

Just try and remember who you are doing this for you and your daughter and it will work. Also don't put so much pressure on yourself re honeymoon. You need to sort out your immediate problems first : )

Good luck
