View Full Version : Anger/irritability

05-06-11, 15:13
Hello all
I suffer from anxiety and OCD and possibly depression as a result of this. I am also going through lot of stress at work and at home, and I have very little social life as I have SAD.

What I wanted to ask was if any of you felt they got easily irritated/angry at things during times of anxiety?

I was sitting here just now and all of a sudden felt very agitated/angry, not really for any particular reason nor at anyone, I just felt like screaming. I aso felt like tensing all my muscles and my teeth were really clenched. I glot my usual anxiety symptoms after (funny tummy, hard to breathe, hot). I also get so easily irritated these days. I'm usually a very mild-mannered/even tempered person but the other day for example, my brother was upstairs tapping on something and every tap just felt like it went right through me and really irritated me. Loud noises make me jump out of my skin and I jut want to sit all by myself in quiet.

I hate feeling like this, I've never had problems with anger, and when I feel this angry I don't feel like taking it out on anyone or anything, but I'm just worried about it.

Didn't know if it was just a part of the lovely anxiety :) or if I should be more worried?

05-06-11, 16:36
hi Happysoon,
I also get very irritible, when I'm feeling anxious the smallest thing irritate me. When I used to suffer with ocd I used to get reeeally angry because I was just so angry at having to do these compulsions. I think it's just excess stress that our minds are under, it's normal for people to get snappy when they're tired or hungry or stressed.
Don't worry it's normal