View Full Version : Dry cough? Really scared :(

05-06-11, 16:59
Argh I posted my HIV post below, but haven't had any replies as yet, and I'm just starting to really freak out :( Any help i'd really appriciate.

I'm a bit worried about this cough I got last week.

It lasted about a week, and was especially bad at night. I've always had problems with a bit of a stuffed nose and things. But this was just a cough on its own. Towards the end of the cough it got quite phlegmy, even though I wasn't able to cough any of it up.

Now i'm sort of left with a slight dry cough, that just happens very occasionally and feeling like I need to clear my throat most of the time.

I'm really worried that this is tying in with my HIV fear, because I read somewhere a dry cough can be a symptom. Or does this mean an ongoing really bad dry cough?

I'm really sorry for posting so many long posts, but I'm desperate for some replies and answers :( Any i'd appriciate so so much, and I will help any of you as much as I can too.

Thank you so much if you'd read all this.

05-06-11, 17:33

i get dry coughs often esp in the warmer weather and when it rains.. ive always put it down to hayfever and in winter my heating, i cant offer any advice on the HIV but i just wanted to let you know we all have dry coughs often and i wouldnt think its anything to worry about, also anxiety can cause a dry throat resulting in a very dry cough (speaking experience!) hth x

05-06-11, 17:58
Hi thanks for your reply, it helped to know that it can just be nothing. I do get a dry mouth and throat a lot of the time as well.

05-06-11, 18:02
Im always getting it and i just put it down to dry air in the winter cuz of the heating and i suffer from hayfever quite bad n always have a funny cough sometimes my anxiety starts it off n sometimes it starts my anxiety off.. its nothing to worry about :) i know how you feel though about being scared, im frightened i have lymphoma and noted all symptoms in my head which i didnt have and then they appear.. :(

05-06-11, 18:04
I sort of put mine down to dust for a while, 'cos my nose seems a bit blocked and stuff. But now my mind keeps telling me "oh you've had a cough for aaages" and I can't even remember how long it has been. Even though it has pretty much gone away now every time I cough I can feel my anxiety creeping back.

It's such a vicious cycle isn't it?

I so wish we didn't have to feel constantly scared.

05-06-11, 18:36
I've got one of those at the moment too, as well as my little girl. I also have been getting a very dry throat... Perhaps try some hot lemon and honey and lots of water - that helps me.

05-06-11, 20:45
Thank you :]. I guess I jsut got freaked out because usually I always get a cold/nasal symptoms with a cough. This one just came out of no where.