View Full Version : Tingling, buzzing, numbness... New symptoms???

05-06-11, 18:19
Arrrgghhhh, so it is 315 and I am awake feeling all these sensations in my body....have they always been there or is this me being hyper aware? I am in the process of waiting for test results for a rare genetic disease which I have now managed to convice myself I have - the last week especially has been hard. When falling asleep tonight, I noticed a few more symptoms - I sat upright and thought - another symptom!!!! This is it for sure... Even though I had never noticed alot of these symptoms before... Is this normal? Can my mind be that strong? I am exhausted with worry right now, and tired of all my researching and symptom searching!!!

05-06-11, 20:25
I've had similar sensations when I'm extremely tired but my overthinking won't let me sleep. You could try a warm herbal tea and concentrate on some deep long slow breathing for a while. Your anxiety is normal whilst waiting for test results but it's likely that most of the symptoms you're getting now are because of the anxiety and being so tired. It's a vicious circle. Hope you get some relief soon.:)

05-06-11, 20:30
Try also, counting backwards from 100 and taking some deep belly breaths. The counting has been a life saver for me being unable to sleep. Every time your anxiety creeps back in, just start at 100 again. Eventually you'll drift off.

You have to remember, you haven't got an illness, you've just got health anxiety. And no matter how real these fears feel, it's just the (annoying) anxiety taking hold. You'll be okay. Featherhead is right, herbal tea is very good. Take care.

05-06-11, 20:31
I had a lot of buzzing with my anxiety. went on for about 6 months. Can I ask... are you googling your symptoms? you shouldnt be... its a recipe for disaster :P x

05-06-11, 21:12
Thanks for the replies guys.
Yes, I have been googling. I feel like a wreck now and am driving everyone way - according to my husband. If I do have this thing, how will I cope if this is the way aim acting now. I have to get up in an hour and try and go about my life as normal looking after my family. I'm scared.

05-06-11, 21:54
Never google hun. It only scares you. You have to remember that google rarely contains accounts of people that had something weird going on that turned out to be nothing... because those people have no reason to put anything up there. You only get the negatives so its biased. Please, do not google, itll make your anxiety ten times worse.

blue moon
05-06-11, 23:12
Hello,I have had all symptoms but lot better now,try relax with Lavender and Francinscence,it wonderful.......have you seen therapist?
Love Petra x:flowers: