View Full Version : Time of the month???

05-06-11, 18:44
Hi there, does anyone experience heightend panic attacks around the time of their periods...(ladies obviously:D ) usually around 10 days before until you actually start to menstruate......?????? or is it jus me :shrug:

05-06-11, 18:49
I think it's all of us! I've seen loads of women here who agree their anxiety is loads worse with PMT. A lot of my friends who don't suffer with anxiety at all say they get anxious with PMT too! :( Feel better soon xx

05-06-11, 19:17
thanks for that, i was on prozac for 12 years so didnt get attacks at all in that time...(i went onto prozac because of depression & anxiety) i came off these last september and felt fine until two months ago where the anxiety kicked off again just before my time off the month...and the same again this last period..so putting two n two together...im hoping its just the hormonal thing kicking them off...and nothing else, so thanks for your reply it helps to know it can be related to the menstrual cycle..

06-06-11, 08:19
I'm exactly the same. I always feel worse the week before I'm due. It's the first day of my period today and I feel awful. My anxiety is through the roof. Yuck!!!

10-06-11, 23:22
I do get more anxious when I'm on my period. I only get my period every 4 months (Doc has put it down to anxiety?????) But when I do I'm even more stressed/nervious/panicky. Oh joy!. Raf. xx