View Full Version : Hit in the head by bathroom tile

05-06-11, 18:49
About one hour ago I was hit on the head by a newly grouted bathroom tile..I was in the bath and it fell..

I have a lump on the side of my head and it's a bit sore..I had a few small scrapes and cuts over my body but nothing too bad..

At first I felt fine..bit shock after it and felt a little weak..but since been showered elsewhere in the last half hour and I think I'm ok..

do you think I'll be ok? :blush:

05-06-11, 20:32
You'll be fine :] If you start to feel dizzy or sick maybe just pop to the dr's to make sure. But apart from that i'm sure you'll be okay.

Sorry that happened to you, what a fright you must have got!

05-06-11, 23:16
Well I've been ok tonight..bit off balance I think that's anxiety..In general I can eat, move ect..don't feel too bad..

I have more anxiety in my head that I have permanent damage it's not really sore but the shock of it all is worrying me a bit.

06-06-11, 14:51
I won't have any long term damage will I?

06-06-11, 16:24
You'll be fine, really. There is absolutely nothing to worry about, you weren't knocked out and you have no head injury symptoms.
It would take a lot more than a tile to cause any serious damage. please try and relax and know that we're all here for you if you continue to feel anxious. x

06-06-11, 17:42
you will be fine.. if only you saw the dangers i put myself threw everyday at work LOL.. i slipped off the stairs a few days and hit my head and im fine ;) will you be good.. if your worry about it just see your gp for a check up! :)